Att Edinburgh the second day of February Jaj vic nyntie seven years
Liberation the Laird of Gairletoun
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privie Councill By Sir George Seatoune of Gairletoun Sheuing That wheras the petitioner having been Imprisoned uithin the tolbooth of the Cannongate wher he hath Continoued a Considerable tyme By which he hath suffered very much in his health he being aluayes tender and valitudinary as also is a Great prejudice to his privat affairs and will be yet a Greater prejudice both to this health and affairs if he be Continoued any Longer in prisone And seing he is willing to find Cautione to appear when called under what penalty their Lordships shall think fitt And therfore humblie Craving to the effect underwryten as the said petitione bears The Saids Lords of his Majesties privie Councill having Considered this petition given in to them by the said Sir George Seatoune of Gairletoune They heirby Give order and warrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh Baillies of the Cannongate and Keeper of their tolbooth To sett the petitioner at Libertie furth therof In respect he hath Given bond and found sufficient Caution acted in the books of privie Councill That he shall Live peacably under and with all Submission to the present government of his Majestie King William And that he shall not Act Consult nor Contryve any thing in prejudice therof nor shall not Converse or Correspond with any rebells And that he shall appear before the saids Lords whensoever he shall be Called for or required to that effect under the penaltie of ane Thousand pounds Sterling In caise he shall transgress in any part of the premysses And ordaines the petitioners former bond to Given up.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 104.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 104.