Proclamation, 18 November 1697, Edinburgh

Act, 6 October 1697, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Eighteenth day of November Jaj vic nyntie seven years



Proclamation Against The Frazers

Proclamation Against resetting or assisting Thomas and Simeon Frazers of Bouforts and their accomplices to be published at Invernes read votted approven and signed wherof the tenor folloues
William by the Grace of God King of great Britaine France and Ireland defendar of the faith To […] Macers of our privie Councell messengers at armes our shireffs in that part Conjunctly and Severally specially Constitut Greeting Forasmuch as Thomas Frazer of Boufort and Captaine Simeon Frazer his son with their associats of their oun name and other broken men their Complices Have presumed wickedly and traiterously to Convocat Conveen and rise in armes and by open force and violence to seaze upon and apprehend the persons of The Lord Saltoune and the Lord Mungo Murray and others of our free Leidges and Carry them away and detaine them prisoners during their pleasure And farder did occupy and possess Certain houses and strenths and fortifie and stuff the2 same uith armed men ammunition and other warlyke provisions As lykeuayes most villainously and barbarously did sease upon and detaine Captive the persone of The Lady Douager of Lovitt Treating her with unheard of Insolences and Carrying her about with them by open force and in a most villainous and Cruell Captivity For which attrocious and unparraleled Crimes They having been charged in our name and authority by ane Herauld in his formalities to Lay doun their armes and render themselves and Enter their persons prisoners to underly the Law under the paine of being denunced fugitives and rebells And having for their high Contempt and disobedience been actuallie denunced rebells and putt to our horne Doe nevertheless Continow and persist in their forsaid rebellion and traiterous and wicked practices and doe dayly add new Insolences to the same So that we have been necessitat to Give Commission to our Shirreffs and their deputes As also to the officers of our forces and souldiers under their Command to march against them in feir of weir as open and declared Enemies Wherfore we uith advyce of the Lords of our privie Councell Have thought fitt to prohibite Lykeas we heirby most strictly prohibite and discharge all our Leidges and Subjects whatsoever speciallie these Neighbouring with the saids Bouforts Elder and younger and their Complices That they on noe wayes resett assist abett or aid with meat drink or any other provisions or any other manner of way whatsoever the saids Bouforts or any of their Complices Certifying all such as shall presume to doe or Act in the Contrair They shall be held and repute as partakers airt and part with the saids Rebells and punished accordingly with all rigor And farder we doe heirby Command and charge all our saids subjects to withdraw and with hold from and dryve out of the way of the saids rebells all manner of help Comfort and releiff as also all their horses Catell and other goods wherby they may be any wayes helped Conforted or releived under all highest pains Lykeas In farder detestation of the saids Crimes and for the better punishing therof We doe heirby with advyce forsaid promise to any of our good Subjects or even to any of the Complices of the saids Bouforts who shall bring in the saids Bouforts or any of them dead or alyve The soume of Tuo Thousand merks of reuard To be punctuallie paid by our Thesaury on the warrant of these presents with ane Indempnity also to any of the saids Complices who shall performe this good service Declaring that whatever slaughter Mutilation Blood fire raising or other violence shall happen to be done acted or Committed by all or any of the forsaids persons heirby authorized to march against the saids rebells In seasing reducing and subdeuing them as said is The same shall be holden Laufull and warrantable and good service to our Government And the actors and accessories therto shall be and are fullie Indemnified and secured to all Intents and purposes Our Will is Herefore And we Charge yow strictly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Invernes and remanent mercat Crosses of the head burghs of the severall shires and steuartries of this Kingdome And ther In our name and authority by open proclamation make Intimatione herof That none pretend ignorance And ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the Eighteenth day of November and of our renge the nynth year 1697 sic subscribitur Marchmont cancelar Melvill Southerland Mar Leven Buchan Annandale Ruglen Tarbat Raith Ross Beilhaven.
Nota the above proclamation was not proclaimed att Edinburgh But ane extract Given to the Lord Advocat to send north to proclaime att Invernes.

Att Edinburgh the Eighteenth day of November Jaj vic nyntie seven years



Proclamation Against The Frazers

Proclamation Against resetting or assisting Thomas and Simeon Frazers of Bouforts and their accomplices to be published at Invernes read votted approven and signed wherof the tenor folloues
William by the Grace of God King of great Britaine France and Ireland defendar of the faith To […] Macers of our privie Councell messengers at armes our shireffs in that part Conjunctly and Severally specially Constitut Greeting Forasmuch as Thomas Frazer of Boufort and Captaine Simeon Frazer his son with their associats of their oun name and other broken men their Complices Have presumed wickedly and traiterously to Convocat Conveen and rise in armes and by open force and violence to seaze upon and apprehend the persons of The Lord Saltoune and the Lord Mungo Murray and others of our free Leidges and Carry them away and detaine them prisoners during their pleasure And farder did occupy and possess Certain houses and strenths and fortifie and stuff the2 same uith armed men ammunition and other warlyke provisions As lykeuayes most villainously and barbarously did sease upon and detaine Captive the persone of The Lady Douager of Lovitt Treating her with unheard of Insolences and Carrying her about with them by open force and in a most villainous and Cruell Captivity For which attrocious and unparraleled Crimes They having been charged in our name and authority by ane Herauld in his formalities to Lay doun their armes and render themselves and Enter their persons prisoners to underly the Law under the paine of being denunced fugitives and rebells And having for their high Contempt and disobedience been actuallie denunced rebells and putt to our horne Doe nevertheless Continow and persist in their forsaid rebellion and traiterous and wicked practices and doe dayly add new Insolences to the same So that we have been necessitat to Give Commission to our Shirreffs and their deputes As also to the officers of our forces and souldiers under their Command to march against them in feir of weir as open and declared Enemies Wherfore we uith advyce of the Lords of our privie Councell Have thought fitt to prohibite Lykeas we heirby most strictly prohibite and discharge all our Leidges and Subjects whatsoever speciallie these Neighbouring with the saids Bouforts Elder and younger and their Complices That they on noe wayes resett assist abett or aid with meat drink or any other provisions or any other manner of way whatsoever the saids Bouforts or any of their Complices Certifying all such as shall presume to doe or Act in the Contrair They shall be held and repute as partakers airt and part with the saids Rebells and punished accordingly with all rigor And farder we doe heirby Command and charge all our saids subjects to withdraw and with hold from and dryve out of the way of the saids rebells all manner of help Comfort and releiff as also all their horses Catell and other goods wherby they may be any wayes helped Conforted or releived under all highest pains Lykeas In farder detestation of the saids Crimes and for the better punishing therof We doe heirby with advyce forsaid promise to any of our good Subjects or even to any of the Complices of the saids Bouforts who shall bring in the saids Bouforts or any of them dead or alyve The soume of Tuo Thousand merks of reuard To be punctuallie paid by our Thesaury on the warrant of these presents with ane Indempnity also to any of the saids Complices who shall performe this good service Declaring that whatever slaughter Mutilation Blood fire raising or other violence shall happen to be done acted or Committed by all or any of the forsaids persons heirby authorized to march against the saids rebells In seasing reducing and subdeuing them as said is The same shall be holden Laufull and warrantable and good service to our Government And the actors and accessories therto shall be and are fullie Indemnified and secured to all Intents and purposes Our Will is Herefore And we Charge yow strictly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Invernes and remanent mercat Crosses of the head burghs of the severall shires and steuartries of this Kingdome And ther In our name and authority by open proclamation make Intimatione herof That none pretend ignorance And ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the Eighteenth day of November and of our renge the nynth year 1697 sic subscribitur Marchmont cancelar Melvill Southerland Mar Leven Buchan Annandale Ruglen Tarbat Raith Ross Beilhaven.
Nota the above proclamation was not proclaimed att Edinburgh But ane extract Given to the Lord Advocat to send north to proclaime att Invernes.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 289-90.

2. One illegible word scored out here

1. NRS, PC1/51, 289-90.

2. One illegible word scored out here