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Editorial Introduction
Historical Introduction
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Act, 6 October 1697, Edinburgh
5 January 1697
Act: Act anent deficients of the Levy 1695
Acts: Act Changing the sentence of Death against Thomas Weir
Order: Order Anent Williamson Shirreff Clerk of Perth
7 January 1697
Procedure: [No public business]
12 January 1697
Act: Act for Lochaber axes to the Militia
Act: Act Leivtenant Cazett
Commission by the Council: The Earle of Lauderdale nominat a Commissioner and Justice of peace
Procedure: Anent Captain Burds Cruizing about Orkney
14 January 1697
Commission by the Council: Commission for trying and judging Fergusons in Forfar
19 January 1697
Warrant: Warrand Anent persons under bale
Procedure: Anent English money
Commission by the Council: Commission for Discovering some witches
20 January 1697
Letter: royal: Letter to the King anent a ship taken in Orkney by ane English man of war
22 January 1697
Procedure: Anent Bread English money
Procedure: Anent English hammered money
Act: Act of Liberation Mr John Eduards
23 January 1697
Proclamation: Proclamatione Discharging English unmilled money to pass except by ueight And Crying up the English milned Crouns to £3 4s with its fractions proportionallie
26 January 1697
Act: Liberation The Earle of Marishall
Act: Liberation the Earle of Home
28 January 1697
Commission by the Council: Order Anent breaking weights for weighing meall in Glasgow
Order: Recomendatione to the Lord Advocat to wryte to Shirreffs anent weighing of meall
Order: Act The Burgh of Dundie
Order: Recomendatione anent armes to foot Militia of Berwickshire
Order: Recomendatione Anent arms to Militia
Act: Liberation The Duke of Gordon
2 February 1697
Act: Liberation Livingstoun of Kilsyth
Act: Liberation The Earle of Aboyne
Act: Liberation Wallace of Elderslie
Act: Liberation the Laird of Gairletoun
Act: Liberation Captain Maitland
Act: Act Banishing Isobell Litlejohn
4 February 1697
Procedure: [No public business]
9 February 1697
Act: Act Anent deficients in 1697
Order: Recommendation To the Lord Chancelor Anent Meall to Fortwilliam
Order: Act Lord Drumcairne
Order: Recommendation to the Lord Chancelor to wryte to Colonel Hill anent prisoners
10 February 1697
Proclamation: Proclamation for Compleating the Levy of 1000 men for the year 1697 And in case of deficiency to paynd the Leaders
11 February 1697
Procedure: Association By The toune of Aberdeen
Act: Liberation Young tinkler
Act: Liberation Seatoun of Touch
Act: Liberation Mr John Eduards
Act: Liberation Byres of Coatts
Act: Act The Laird of Kininmunth
Act: Liberation Menzies and Smith
Order: Recommendation to The Thesaury Anent 7 men in debate betwixt Roxburgh and Drumfreis
Order: Recommendation to The Earle of Lauderdale to shutt up the meeting house at Muntainhall
16 February 1697
Order: Prorogation to Renfrew and Air
Order: Prorogation of Leivt Coll Erskine's forloff
Warrant: Warrand to the Earle of Argyll to delyver to Sir William Douglas 20 men of Levy 1695
Procedure: Anent Clerk Williamsone
18 February 1697
Proclamation: Proclamatione Anent the stenting of unfree Traders
Act: Act William Drummond
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Advocat to raise a process Against Baillie Brand
Decreet: Decreit His Majesties Advocat Against Williamsons Clerks of Perth
Procedure: Memoriall of the Scotts priviledges in France approven
23 February 1697
Procedure: [No public business]
24 February 1697
Warrant: Warrand for Burrying Lady Mary Scrymzeor in the abbay
25 February 1697
Order: Anent witnes and wrytes in the process against Baillie Brand
Order: Recommendatione to The Lord Advocat to Cause bring witches from the west Countrey to Edinburgh
Act: Act Discharging Circuit Courts for this year
Decreet: Decreit Lord Advocat Against Buchannans and others in Stirling Shire
Act: Liberation James Douglas
Act: Liberation John Frazer
26 February 1697
Proclamation: Proclamation anent the deficients of the Levys 1693 and 1695
2 March 1697
Procedure: The Marques of Douglas receaved a privy Councellor
Warrant: Warrand to Give back Burntoun and Balcanquills arms
Act: Act Mr Charles Falconer
4 March 1697
Act: Repryve Sir Godfrey McCulloch
6 March 1697
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for Liberating the Lord Drummond
Act: Liberation The Lord Drummond
9 March 1697
Commission by the Council: Commission for trying and judging witches in Renfrew Shire
Order: Recommendatione to The Thesaury anent defraying expences of the said Commission
Warrant: Warrand Anent souldiers to Captain Burds ship
11 March 1697
Procedure: Anent priviledges of Scotland to the treaty of peace
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Anent Militia
Act: Act Mr Thomas Gordon
15 March 1697
Letter: royal: Letter for Adjurning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation for Adjurning the parliament
16 March 1697
Letter: royal: Letter from the King anent the Archbishop of Glasgow
Act: Act Confyning The Late Archbishop of Glasgow to Coupar of Fife
Decreet: Decreit Lord Advocat Against provosts Kenedy and Binning and Baillie Brand
18 March 1697
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Anent the Earle of Seaforth
Act: Liberation The Earle of Seaforth
Warrant: Warrand to pursue The Laird of Kininmunth
Order: Recommendation to The Lord Adovcat and to the Sollicitor to Consider Acts and proclamations against prophanity
Proclamation: Proclamation for the Better Collecting and Inbringing of what is deficient of the pole money Imposed In anno 1695
Warrant: Warrand for Carrying Steuart and other three persons to Flanders
Act: Act Alexander Taite
Act: Act Campbell of Cessnock
Order: Recommendation Anent ye deficient men of the Levy 1697 in Drumfreis
5 April 1697
Order: Recommendatione to the Viscount of Teviot to report what armes are in Store
Warrant: Warrand for Interring Mr William Erskine in the abbey
Order: Anent Commission for Judging witches
Order: Order for Guards at Call of the saids Commissioners
Warrant: Warrand to the Laird of Cessnock for Sheep
6 April 1697
Order: Recomendation to Give armes to the forces
Order: Recommendation to Deface Earl of Strathmore and Laird of Grants arms from off some armes
Act: Act Anent the deficients of the Levy (96) by the shires of Air and Renfrew
Act: Liberation Baillie Brand
Act: Act Recalling Cessnocks warrand for Sheep
7 April 1697
Decreet: Interlocutor upon the report Anent Militia
Commission by the Council: Nomination of Eduard Marjoribanks to be a Commissioner of supply
Procedure: Anent a solemn fast
8 April 1697
Warrant: Warrand to receave recruits into the Castle of Edinburgh
Warrant: Warrand for Giving up baillie Brands bond
13 April 1697
Decreet: Decreet of Certification His Majesties Advocat against Strictmartine and others
Judicial Proceeding: Certification His Majesties Advocat against The Laird of Strictmartine and others
15 April 1697
Proclamation: Proclamation for a solemn nationall fast
Letter: from the Council: Letter To the Commissioners of Supply anent Militia
Commission by the Council: Commission for Additionall Commissioners of Supply in Drumfreis shire
Act: Act Changing the Late Archbishop of Glasgows Confynment
Act: Act for a Collection for building a kirk att Koningsberg
20 April 1697
Letter: royal: Letter To the King anent alterations in the Militia
Act: Act Discharging prints toll revised
Warrant: Warrand for persons Come from France to renue their Bales
Procedure: remit: Remitt Anent the Quakers
Act: Act Mr Alexander Craig
22 April 1697
Commission by the Council: Commission for Judging Farqwhar and McCaskie
Act: Act Steuart of Bellechen and his brother
Act: Act Leivtennant Chisholm upon the Lady Gradens Bill
27 April 1697
Warrant: Warrand for shutting up the meeting house at Dudhope
Warrant: Warrand to raise a Criminall process Against Clackmannan
Act: Act James Hunter
30 April 1697
Procedure: Patent Lord John Hamilton to be Earle of Ruglen
Letter: royal: Letter from the King adding the Earle of Loudoun to the privy Councill
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Anent the Militia
Letter: royal: Letter from the King anent young Langtoun
Procedure: Stop Lord Willian Douglas patent to be Earle of March
Procedure: Anent the Earle of Lauderdales vote to the forsaid stop
Warrant: Warrand taking off young Langtouns Confynment
Procedure: Viscount of Teviot goes for Flanders
4 May 1697
Procedure: Patent Lord Chancelor to be Earle of Marchmont
Warrant: Warrand for filling up some blanks in the Commission for the peace of the highlands
Proclamation: Proclamation Discharging Forraign Copper or brass Coyne
5 May 1697
Warrant: Warrand to receave Calder elder Cautioner for Lochzell
Warrant: Warrand to Lord Advocat to wryte for seamen to Captain Burds Ship
Act: Act The Tacksemen of the Customes against the toune of Edinburgh
8 June 1697
Letter: royal: Letter from the King adding the Earle of Marr to the privy Councill
Letter: royal: Letter from the King adding the Laird of Kelburn to the privy Councill
Letter: royal: Letter from the King adding Sir Patrick Murray to the privy Councill
Letter: royal: Letter from the King anent Captains and Smith to the Militia
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Anent Lord William Douglas his patent
Warrant: Warrand to take off the stop putt upon Lord William Douglas patent
Warrant: Warrand to take off the stop putt upon Lord William Douglas patent
Act: Liberation Alexander Young
Warrant: Warrand to Bury Sir William Denholms Lady in the abbay church
10 June 1697
Act: Protection Sir David Arnot
15 June 1697
Act: Act Robert Richardson
17 June 1697
Commission by the Council: Committie for seing the Roup of the toune of Edinburghs tuo pennies on the pynt
Act: Act Henry Hue Frenchman
22 June 1697
Act: Act Litlejohn, Park, and Menzies
Order: Recommendatione to The Lord Chancelor to Ansuer a Letter from the Shire of Air
Act: Act Changing the Arch Bishop of Glasgoues Confynment
24 June 1697
Order: Recomendation To the Lord Chancelor Anent Drinkers of King James his health in Nithsdale
Act: Prorogation of Sir David Arnotts protection
Letter: to the Council: Letter from the Lords Justices of Ireland
29 June 1697
Warrant: Warrand to post three Companies
Commission by the Council: Commission for additionall Commissioners of the midle district of the highlands
Warrant: Warrand to post a Company of Foot near Invernes
Warrant: Warrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh to Visite the Victuall at Leith if sufficient
1 July 1697
Procedure: [Council adjourned]
6 July 1697
Procedure: Lord Forbes receaved a privy Councelor
Commission by the Council: Act and Committie Anent drinkers of King James's health
8 July 1697
Procedure: Approbation of James Adamsons Imprisonment
Warrant: Warrand for aliment to 3 French prisoners
Order: Recomendation to The Secretaries Anent Hay and Arthbuthnot
Act: Protection Sir David Arnot
Warrant: Warrand to furnish parties of foot forces to man the tuo Scotts shipps of warr
Letter: from the Council: Letter from the Councill To The Justices of Ireland and proposalls Anent pacquet boats
13 July 1697
Order: Recomendation Anent Laues for maintaining of publick prisoners
Act: Act and Comission Mr Donald Nicolson
15 July 1697
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Anent Mcdonald of Moydart
Warrant: Warrand allouing Moydart to find Caution
Decreet: Interloquitor and Committie anent victuall at Leith
Order: Recomendatione To the Earle of Argyll to wryte for Ormandale anent three French men
Act: Act The paper Manufactory
20 July 1697
Order: [Recommendation to the committee anent victual]
20 July 1697 (2)
Proclamation: Proclamation recalling former Acts or proclamations Declaring forraign victuall free of duty And ordaining all victuall to be Imported to pay deuty as before the saids former acts and proclamations
22 July 1697
Letter: royal: Letter from the King adding the Earle of Buchan to the privie Councill
Act: Act Steuart of Ballechan and his Brother
27 July 1697
Order: Recommendatione Anent the three Scotts men of warr
Act: Act Mr Alexander Burnet
Order: Recommendation to The Lord Advocat to draw a proclamation against 5 highland fugitives
29 July 1697
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for adjurning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation for adjurning the parliament
3 August 1697
Procedure: Approbation of Letters of Marque in favours of Captain Pinkertoun and others
3 August 1697 (pm)
Act: Act Discharging persons to goe aboard of or Correspond uith French privateers
Proclamation: Proclamation for apprehending five persons Declared fugitives by the Commission of Justiciary for the highlands
Decreet: Decreet absolvitor The Master of Kenmure Dalziell etc against his Majesties Advocat
Act: Liberation James Adamsone
Order: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat to pursue persons Come from France
Act: Act Viscount of Tarbats Exoneration
5 August 1697
Procedure: [Proclamation booked]
Commission by the Council: Act Captain Erskine and Alexander Inglis to be Commissioners of Clackmannanshire
Warrant: Warrand to Give up Captain Dalziell and Garnsallochs bonds
5 August 1697 (pm)
Act: Act Declaring Victuall Imported upon or before 21 of Julie last to be free of Custome
Proclamation: Proclamation Against Importing victuall from Ireland
Act: Act Liberating Mr Alexander Burnet and recalling his former Act
Warrant: Warrand to furnish forces for assisting Collectors of publick rents in the uestern Isles
Decreet: Decreit his Majesties Advocat Against Cruikshank Ogilvie Chalmers and Ruthven
Act: Act Menzies, Steuart and Grant advocats
Act: Act Thomas Johnstoun one of Everies Crue
Proclamation: Proclamation for the ready Inbringing of the annexed and additionall excyse
7 August 1697
Procedure: [No public business]
10 August 1697
Commission by the Council: Act Samuell McClelland to be steuart and justicar of Orkney
7 September 1697
Warrant: Warrand for Letters Against the Earle of Seaforth anent Cornelius Ocon
8 September 1697
Letter: to the Council: Anent a pacquet Boat betuixt Ireland and Scotland
Act: Act Mr Theodor Wamphray
Warrant: Warrand for Liberating Hunter
Proclamation: Proclamation Anent Irish catle revived
18 September 1697
Act: [Celebrations for the peace]
5 October 1697
Procedure: [Meeting adjourned]
6 October 1697
Letter: royal: Anent the Peace
7 October 1697
Procedure: [Meeting adjourned]
26 October 1697
Letter: royal: His Majesties Letter for publishing the peace
Proclamation: Proclamation for publishing the peace Betuixt his Majestie and the french King
Act: Liberation The Frenchmen taken at Campletoune
Letter: royal: [Letter from the king about disbanding regiments]
Order: Recomendatione To The Lord Chancelor to wryte to Colonell Hill anent reducing his regiment
27 October 1697
Letter: royal: [Letter to the king about disbanding the forces]
30 October 1697
Warrant: Warrand for quartering 5 Companies of Lord Forbes Regiment at Invernes
1 November 1697
Procedure: [Earl of Annandale takes the chair]
Procedure: Bill of treasone against Frazers
Commission by the Council: Commission The Shirreff of Invernes Anent Frazers
Commission by the Council: Commission The Shireff of Pearth Anent Frazers
Commission by the Council: Commission To Colonell Hill Anent Frazers
Commission by the Council: Commission To The Lord Carmichaell to give orders to the Lord Forbes Anent the Frazers
Warrant: Warrand To the Lord Advocat to raise proces of treason Against Frazers
2 November 1697
Procedure: [Earl of Annandale takes the chair]
Commission by the Council: Commission Lord Carmichaell Against Frazers
Order: Recomendatione to the Thesaurie In favoures of The Lord Forbes
Order: Recomendatione Lord Carmichaell for pouder and ball Against Frazers
11 November 1697
Procedure: Anent the Earle of Seaforth and his brother and Cautioners
Act: Liberation William Smith
Act: Liberation Mr Gilbert Muschet
16 November 1697
Procedure: [No public business]
17 November 1697
Commission by the Council: Commission To The Lord Carmichaell to send troops Against the Frazers
18 November 1697
Act: Liberation Thomas Craufurd
Proclamation: Proclamation Against The Frazers
19 November 1697
Order: Solemnity upon his Majesties safe arryvall
20 November 1697
Letter: from the Council: Letter from the Councell to the King Congratulating the peace
Proclamation: Proclamation for a Solemn national thanksgiving
23 November 1697
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for disbanding the Earl of Tullibardin The Lords Lindsay and Forbes their regiments
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Anent Frazers
Order: Order to the Lord Carmichaell Commander in Cheiff for disbanding the Earle of Tullibardine the Lord Lindsay and Forbess their regiments
Order: Recomendation to the Lord Chancelor to uryte to Colonell Hill to seaze the Frazers
Commission by the Council: Act additionall Commissioners for the midle strait of the highland Justiciary
24 November 1697
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Carmichaell to quarter his troops in fitt places of the north
Warrant: Warrand to Lord Carmichaell to disband a Detachment of The Lord Lindsays regiment at Drumfreis
Warrant: Warrand to Carry the armes of the Lord Lindsays regiment frae Links of Leith
25 November 1697
Procedure: [No public business]
30 November 1697
Warrant: Warrand for transporting nyne Frazers from Invernes to Edinburgh
2 December 1697
Procedure: : [No public business]
7 December 1697
Letter: royal: : Letter of Thanks from the King to the Councell for their Congratulatory Letter
Letter: royal: : His Majesties Letter for adjurning the parliament
Letter: royal: : His Majesties Letter anent persons returning from France
Procedure: : [Order for drawing up proclamations]
Letter: royal: : Letter from the King for disbanding Mcgill and Douglasses regiments
Order: : Order for disbanding the said tuo regiments
Order: : Order for quartering Rues regiment and regiment of guairds
Order: : Recomendatione to The Thesaury Anent Makgill and Douglasses regiments
Warrant: : Warrand for printing The Councells Letter and Kings ansuer thereto
9 December 1697
Proclamation: : Proclamatione Adjurning the parliament
Proclamation: : Proclamatione against persons returning from France uithout passes
Proclamation: : Proclamation Calling doun the french three four-peice to 3s Scotts and appointing the Scotts 40d to pass at 3s 6d Scotts
Warrant: : Warrand for disbanding the Garrisons of the bass and Dunnottar
Warrant: : Warrand for Banishing Joseph Martine
11 December 1697
Order: : Letter Anent Colonell Douglasses regiment mutinying
Procedure: : Report Anent disbanding of the Lord Forbesses regiment
Order: : Recomendatione to The Lord Chancelor to uryte to Colonell Hill to send south Captain Mckenzie who suffered the Earle of Seaforth to escape
13 December 1697
Order: : Captain Douglas Imprisoned
Warrant: : Warrand to the provost of Edinburgh for furnishing Cairts to Carry armes
Commission by the Council: : Commission to Colonell Row and some of The Lord Carmichaells troops to march against Colonell Douglasses souldiers and force them to Lay doune their armes
Warrant: : Warrand to the Lord Carmichaell to quarter tuo troops of his dragoons nigh Edinburgh
Order: : Commission Leivtenant Colonell Erskine to assist Colonell Row against Douglasses souldiers
13 December 1697 (pm)
Order: : Recomendation to The Lord Chancelor to wryte to the secretaries Anent Douglasses souldiers
Warrant: : Warrand to examine and Imprison The Lord Fraser
Warrant: : Warrand to Leivtennant Colonell Bruce and Woodsyde to require and receathe the armes of 4 troops of the Lord Forbesses dragoons
14 December 1697
Order: : Letter anent Douglasses souldiers their peacable disbanding
Act: : Act taking off The viscount of Oxfoords Confynment
Act: : Liberation of the Laird of Kinfaans
Act: : Liberation Leivtenant Chisholme
21 December 1697
Warrant: : Warrand for Transporting Colonell Douglas Mutineers to Edinburgh
Act: : Protection The Earle of Seaforth
23 December 1697
Warrant: : Warrand for burrying Lady Dunnairn in the Abbay church
Order: : Recomendation To the Lord Advocat to prosecut Phinhaven and Mr Grub
Procedure: : Letter Complaining of The Lord Forbes
28 December 1697
Procedure: : Anent some wheat to goe abroad
Procedure: committee formed: : Committie Anent Mutineers in Douglasses regiment
Act: : Act Changing the sentence of death Against Greensheills and Davidson to banishment
Commission by the Council: : Additionall Commissioners of supply in Orkney and Zetland
Act: : Banishment Mr Charles Ritchie
30 December 1697
Act: : Liberation The Laird of Phinhaven
Act: : Act anent Alexander Fraser of Strichen
Procedure: : Remitt anent Captain Douglass and others
Act: : Act for Transporting nyne Frasers from Aberdeen To Edinburgh
Act: : Act The Liberating the Mutineers In Captain Douglasses Regiment
12 January 1697
Act: Act Anent magistrats in Old Aberdeen
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie Slezer and Adair
14 January 1697
Order: Remitt The tacksemen of excyse
Procedure: bill of suspension: Bill of Suspensione Gordon against Wdney
22 January 1697
Act: Act In favours of John Vaitch
26 January 1697
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Remit Brwce of Pittorthie Against Corstorphine
Act: Act Laird of Kininmouth
Act: Act Jennet Crichtoun
Act: Act Captain Fullertowne
28 January 1697
Act: Act John Christie
Decreet: Interloquitor Serjeant Kerr
2 February 1697
Act: Act James Hamilton
Decreet: Decreit Jack Against Patersone
Act: Act Magistrats of Edinburgh anent whores
4 February 1697
Procedure: judicial proceeding: Remitt Mr John Wattson
Warrant: Warrand for receaveing Kinaird and Blackwood Cautioners for the Earle of Aboyne
9 February 1697
Act: Act Craigie of Gairsey
Order: Remit Agnes Simpsone
11 February 1697
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Remit Carstarphine against Brwce
Act: Act Recalling Henry Insgars act against Gairsey
Decreet: Decreit Lady Glenbucket
23 February 1697
Warrant: Warrand to give up John Williamsones bond
2 March 1697
Decreet: Decreit John Niccoll against Ensigne Kerr
11 March 1697
Act: Act the Lairds of Ardkinglass and Carrick
15 March 1697
Act: Act Anent Stipend of Alnes
18 March 1697
Warrant: Warrand to persew Murray of Pennieland and his clerk
Decreet: Interloquitor Mr Jack and his majesties advocat Against Mr Wilkie Kirkwood and Douglas
6 April 1697
Act: Act Lady Graiden Against Leivetennent Chiseholm
13 April 1697
Act: Act Earle of Roxburgh Against Dowglas
15 April 1697
Act: Act Anna Blair for Stipend
Act: Act Mr William Innes for Stipend
20 April 1697
Act: Act The heretors of the paroch of Leckropt
22 April 1697
Act: Act Wardlaw against Mr Jack
27 April 1697
Act: Act Moriesone of Prestounegraing for a Glass Manufactorie
30 April 1697
Act: Act Anent Vacand Stipend of Fintrey
8 June 1697
Decreet: Decreit Laird of Burray Against Pittcairne
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Remit The wniversitie of St Andrews Against the magistrats therof
10 June 1697
Decreet: Certificatione The Lady Colltewchar and uthers Against Ladiewell and others
Act: Act The Lady Banhourie and others
15 June 1697
Act: Act Druniestowne and Ehot anent a Silk manufactorie
Judicial Proceeding: Remit the Earle of Sowtherland and Knox
17 June 1697
Act: Act Margaret Hallkett for Stipend
Act: Act Mr Alexander Pittcardins wittnesses
Order: Recomendatione Dam Lillias Seaton relict of Sir James Ramsay
Act: Act The presbetry of Dwmfreis
22 June 1697
Act: Act Wardlaw Chamberland of Bigger
Act: Act The Earle of Galloway and others in Wigtown and Kirkcudbright
24 June 1697
Decreet: Decreit Mr John Gray Against Murdoch
Judicial Proceeding: Remit William Mcaw Against Hamiltowne
Act: Act Stewart of Burrey
29 June 1697
Act: Act Commissioners of the Shyre of Edinburgh anent repaireing Highwayes
Act: Act James Chiseholme
6 July 1697
Order: Recomendatione Robert Campbell
Act: Act and Commissione The Lord Anstruther
Procedure: [Note of procedure]
13 July 1697
Decreet: Remit Alexander Brwce
Act: Act James Hamiltowne
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Proces John Mcqween and Thomas Mcky
Act: Act Earle of Annandale for Stipend of Annan
Act: Act Mcdowgall yownger of Logan and others
Act: Act Synod of Aberdeen Anent Bursers
15 July 1697
Act: Act Viscount of Tarbat for Stipend to bwild a bridge
Warrant: Warrand George Mossman to print a book of the Lawes
22 July 1697
Act: Act The inhabitants of Falkland
Act: Act of Absolvitor Ensigne Livingstowne
27 July 1697
Warrant: Warrand to receave Cromartie as Cautioner for Moydart
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Remit Glansallock Against Campbell to the Commissioner of the Highlands
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Remit Lesslie of Iden
Decreet: Decreit Gordoune Against Uddney of that ilk
Act: Act Patrick Johnstowne and others anent victwall
Act: Act Jean Porteows for stipend
Act: Act James Hair
29 July 1697
Act: Act Baillies of Hamiltowne
Procedure: Recomendatione to The Lord Advocat to write to Shirreff of Forffar Anent James Smith
Act: Act James Brown
Act: Act Cranstowne and Bridge for a Contributione
Act: [Stipend to factor in Decreit Gordone]
3 August 1697
Decreet: [Decreet and Judgement Samuel Maxwell and others]
5 August 1697
Decreet: Decreit Earle of Ruglen Against Lady Innergelly
Act: Act dischargeing any applicatione be The Countess of Callander Against The Earle of Linlithgow
5 August 1697 (pm)
Decreet: Decreit Alexander Dowll Against James Murray
Decreet: Decreit His majesties Advocat Against Pennyland and others
Act: Act James Lwck anent victwall
Act: Act Innes Against Countess of Kincardine
Act: Act Slezer Browne and Adair
Warrant: Warrand Stopping Logans act upon Drummairs bill
Act: Act Robert Hamiltowne
7 August 1697
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie Anent Dwke and Dutches of Gordon
10 August 1697
Decreet: Interloquitor Dwke and Dutches of Gordon
7 September 1697
Procedure: Representation Troupe of gwairds Remitted to the Thesaurie
Act: Act Laird of Culloden
8 September 1697
Procedure: Duke of Gordones Comitie to be Subscribed
Act: Act Margaret Traill relict of James Scott of Bristo
Act: Act Earle of Kincardine
Order: Anent Letter the maister of Cathcart at desyre of Commissioners of the Shyre of Air
6 October 1697
Act: Act Mitchell and others in Aberdeen Anent records
Act: Act for Hallgreins aliment
11 November 1697
Procedure: Sist The tenents Hallgrein Against The Laird [of Hallgrein]
Warrant: Warrand Mr Andrew Simpsone for printing two books
18 November 1697
Decreet: Decreit The Laird of Kinfauns and wythers Against The Laird of Phineven anent the Curatrie
23 November 1697
Act: Act Lord Ross and parochiners of Paisley
Warrant: Warrand to receave Ballachin and his brothers bond and Cautioners therin
25 November 1697
Decreet: Decreit Baillie Mitchell and uthers Against Crwikshanks and uthers
Warrant: Warrand Leivetennent Hall for printing his fathers explicatione of Shorter Catechismes
30 November 1697
Procedure: Recomendatione Laird of Grant to send accompt of the persones who were in armes with Frazer of Beaufort
Procedure: petition: Petitione Johnstoun and Crwikshanks in Aberdeen to be amended and Sein
Procedure: petition: Petition the inhabitants of Dwns remited to the Thesaurie
Procedure: petition: Petitione The towne of Dwmferleing remited to the Thesaurie
7 December 1697
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Remit John Taillzier Against Lady Barro
9 December 1697
Decreet: Decreit Absolvitor Magistrats of Elgine Against Pawll
14 December 1697
Act: Act The divinitie Colledge of St Andrews
21 December 1697
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Report Laird of Grant in process Paull Against Magistrats of Elgine
Decreet: Decreit Suspending the Letters Simpliciter The tennents of Hallgrein Against The Laird of [Hallgrein]
28 December 1697
Procedure: Recomendatione Laird of Grant anent process Paull Against Towne of Elgin
Act: Act Stipend of Aberdour in Bwchan