Att Edinburgh the second day of November Jaj vic nyntie seven years
Commission by the Council
Commission Lord Carmichaell Against Frazers
A Commission to The Lord Carmichaell against Thomas and Simeon Frazers and their accomplices read votted approven and signed wherof the tenor folloues
The Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Having been Certainly Informed that Thomas Frazer of Boufort and Captaine Simeon Frazer his son uith their accomplices of their Name and Clan and other Loose and Laules Men Have Convocat and Conveened in armes to the Number of Four or fyve hundred uithin the shire of Invernes in a most rebellious and seditious manner And ther have occupyed fortified and stuffed houses and forts And Have also seased upon the persons of The Lady Douager of Lovitt The Lord Mungo Murray and the Lord Saltoun and others and made them their prisoners Keeping and detaining them In a most violent and barbarous manner untill they extorted from them such bond and Conditions as they thought fitt to require Lykeas They still detaine the persone of the said Lady Douager of Lovitt in most wicked and Greivous bondage For Which Causes The Saids Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Have ordained Letters to be direct In his Majesties name and authority Charging the forsaids Thomas and Simeon Frazers with their accomplices therinnamed and all others their adherents To Lay doun their armes submitt themselves to Law and Enter their persons in prisone to abyde and underly the same uithin the space of Fourtie Eight hours after they be therto Charged And in case they faillzie to obey and doe the same To denunce them rebells and traitors As also to Command the shirreff of Invernes and all others his Majesties officers and other good subjects to rise in armes Concurr and Assist for reducing the forsaids rebells and traitors to their due subjectione And bringing them in dead or alyve to underly the Law as said is Herefore The Saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councell Have thought fit And doe heirby Give full pouer warrand and Commission to John Lord Carmichaell Commander in Cheiff of his Majesties forces uithin this Kingdome for the tyme one of the Lords of his Majesties most honourable privy Councell and Colonell of one of his Majesties regiments of Dragoons And all officers and souldiers under his Command of his said regiment so soon as they or any of them shall be Called by the said shirreff of Invernes or his deputs and Charged to march with the troops under their Command uith their armes and ammunition in feir of weir To Assist and fortifie the said shirreff or his said deputes For seasing subdeuing and reducing the said Thomas and Simeon Frazers Elder and younger of Boufort And their accomplices rebells and traitors forsaids and bringing them in dead or alyve as said is Declaring whatever slaughter Mutilatione blood fire raising or other violence shall happen to be Acted done and Committed by all or any of the forsaids persons heirby authorized to march against the saids rebells in Seasing reducing and subdeuing them as said is The Same Shall be holden Laufull and warrantable and Good Service to his Majesties government And the Actors and accessories therto shall be and are hereby fullie Indemnified and secured to all Intents and purposes sic subscribitur Annandale P Ruglen Tarbat Forbes Beilhaven James Steuart James Murray John Hamilton Ludovick Grant Archibald Mure Patrick Murray.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 283-4.
1. NRS, PC1/51, 283-4.