Order, 5 April 1697, Edinburgh

Act, 6 October 1697, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the fifth day of Aprile Jaj vic nyntie seven years



Recommendatione to the Viscount of Teviot to report what armes are in Store

The Lord High Chancelor Having acquainted the Councill That he had Letters from Sir James Ogilvie principall secretary of state signifying it was his Majesties pleasure the modell of the Militia should be made effectuall The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Recommend to the Lord Viscount of Teviot Commander in cheiff of his Majesties forces uithin this Kingdome to make tryall and report to ther Councill at the nixt meeting what number of armes are In his Majesties garrisons and stores and what number is wanting by the standing forces That the Superplus after the standing forces are sufficiently armed may be applied for arming the modelled militia.

Att Edinburgh the fifth day of Aprile Jaj vic nyntie seven years



Recommendatione to the Viscount of Teviot to report what armes are in Store

The Lord High Chancelor Having acquainted the Councill That he had Letters from Sir James Ogilvie principall secretary of state signifying it was his Majesties pleasure the modell of the Militia should be made effectuall The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Recommend to the Lord Viscount of Teviot Commander in cheiff of his Majesties forces uithin this Kingdome to make tryall and report to ther Councill at the nixt meeting what number of armes are In his Majesties garrisons and stores and what number is wanting by the standing forces That the Superplus after the standing forces are sufficiently armed may be applied for arming the modelled militia.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 159.

1. NRS, PC1/51, 159.