Att Edinburgh the seventh day of Augwst Jaj vic nyntie seven yeirs
Procedure: committee formed
Comittie Anent Dwke and Dutches of Gordon
The Lords of his majesties privie Councell doe hereby Recommend to The Earle of Annandale The Viscount of Tarbat and Sir James Ogilvie principall Secretarie of State to be a Comitie to endeavoure to setle the mater of difference about the interloquitor betuixt The dwke of Gordone and his dwtches And Declaires any two of them to be a sufficient qworwm And recomends to the Comitie to report ther opinion to the Counsell against twesday next.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 38v.
1. NRS, PC2/27, 38v.