Warrant, 25 November 1697, Edinburgh

Act, 6 October 1697, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the twentie fifth of November Jaj vic nyntie seven years



Warrand Leivetennent Hall for printing his fathers explicatione of Shorter Catechismes

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Doe heirby give fwll and sole power Libertie and warrand to […] Hall Leivetennent of the towne of Edinburghs company of gwairds or to such persones as he shall appoint to print vend and sell ane book Intituled a plaine and easie explicatione of the assemblies Shorter Catechisme and discharges all other persones whatsoever to repent vend sell or import the said book for the space of nyntine yeirs next efter the day and date heirof wnder the penaltie of five Hundereth merks to be payed to the said Leivetennent Hall or his assigneyes by and attour the confiscatione of the saids books to the said Leivtenent and his representatives for ther own wse and behoove

Att Edinburgh the twentie fifth of November Jaj vic nyntie seven years



Warrand Leivetennent Hall for printing his fathers explicatione of Shorter Catechismes

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell Doe heirby give fwll and sole power Libertie and warrand to […] Hall Leivetennent of the towne of Edinburghs company of gwairds or to such persones as he shall appoint to print vend and sell ane book Intituled a plaine and easie explicatione of the assemblies Shorter Catechisme and discharges all other persones whatsoever to repent vend sell or import the said book for the space of nyntine yeirs next efter the day and date heirof wnder the penaltie of five Hundereth merks to be payed to the said Leivetennent Hall or his assigneyes by and attour the confiscatione of the saids books to the said Leivtenent and his representatives for ther own wse and behoove

1. NRS, PC2/27, 53v.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 53v.