Act, 13 June 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 13th June 1704



Act Infavours of Charles Cookburn

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties Privie Councill By Charles Cockburn son to Adam Cockburn of Ormistoun Shewing That where there Lordships petitioner goeing from Harwitch in England to Holland, was taken by a French privateir and carrid into Dunkirk, where he at present lies prisoner. And seeing that there was lately a French privateer Taken by Captain Thomas Gordon, Wherof the Captain and others of the Crew are detained here as prisoners. By which any of the subjects of this nation who are or may happen to be taken by the French will have the occasion of being exchanged with them Therfore the petitioner humbly begs leave to represent his case to these Lordships, That he may have the benefite of being exchanged with the Captain of the said privateer. And Therfore Craveing to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition Bears. The Lords of Her Majesties Privie Councill haueing considered the petition abovewryten given into them By Charles Cockburn son to Adam Cockburn of Ormistoun And the samen being read in there presence The saids Lords Doe hereby Declair and Enact that how soon the petitioner shall be sett at liberty by the French With full freedome to goe about his privat affaires and have a valid and authentick pass for that effect, That then the saids Lords will sett at Liberty Jacobus Soetenaey Captain of the French privateer taken by Captain Gordon in Scotland. With full liberty and freedome to him to return home. And the saids Lords, Doe heirby appoint and Ordaine there Clerks of Councill ane Extract of the forsaid petition and Interloquitor followeing theron under ther hands and the seall of Councill to the effect forsaid.

Edinburgh the 13th June 1704



Act Infavours of Charles Cookburn

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties Privie Councill By Charles Cockburn son to Adam Cockburn of Ormistoun Shewing That where there Lordships petitioner goeing from Harwitch in England to Holland, was taken by a French privateir and carrid into Dunkirk, where he at present lies prisoner. And seeing that there was lately a French privateer Taken by Captain Thomas Gordon, Wherof the Captain and others of the Crew are detained here as prisoners. By which any of the subjects of this nation who are or may happen to be taken by the French will have the occasion of being exchanged with them Therfore the petitioner humbly begs leave to represent his case to these Lordships, That he may have the benefite of being exchanged with the Captain of the said privateer. And Therfore Craveing to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition Bears. The Lords of Her Majesties Privie Councill haueing considered the petition abovewryten given into them By Charles Cockburn son to Adam Cockburn of Ormistoun And the samen being read in there presence The saids Lords Doe hereby Declair and Enact that how soon the petitioner shall be sett at liberty by the French With full freedome to goe about his privat affaires and have a valid and authentick pass for that effect, That then the saids Lords will sett at Liberty Jacobus Soetenaey Captain of the French privateer taken by Captain Gordon in Scotland. With full liberty and freedome to him to return home. And the saids Lords, Doe heirby appoint and Ordaine there Clerks of Councill ane Extract of the forsaid petition and Interloquitor followeing theron under ther hands and the seall of Councill to the effect forsaid.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 286r.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 286r.