Edinburgh the 28th November 1704
Act in favours of Hutchisone for transporting Whores
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privie Councill by Captain William Hutcheson of the province of Mary Land Humblie Shewing that wher ther are twentie two women or therby imprisoned in the Correction house of Edinburgh, for thift or Whoredome as also six young boyes prisoners in the Tolbooth therof for picking of pockets and other such Crymes who have all freely and voluntarly of their own choise and consent agried to go along with the petition or to the said province of Maryland to be Servants ther, and the said magistrat his Subscription heirwith produced Doe testifie and Seeing the saids persons are for no use to the Countrey, and a burden to the good Toune of Edinburgh to maintain them, and therfor Craving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears. The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill having Considered the petition given in to them by Captain William Hutchisone of the province of Mary Land and the samen being read in their presence the saids Lords Have allowed and heirby allowes the said Captain William Hutchison to transport to her Majesties plantations in America the persons whose names are Contained in the Lists given in to the Clerks of Councill and as after followes, Viz: John Thom son to James Thom Shoemaker in Glasgow Lauchlan McLean son to Allan McLean in the Isle of Mull, John Stewart son to Angus Stewart in Atholl Thomas Harvie son to James Harvie Maltman in Glasgow all prisoners in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh; Thomas Clerk Son to Thomas Clerk in New Castle and John Nicoll son to John Nicoll in Borrowstouness prisoners in the Correction house of Edinburgh Margaret Wallace Marjory Stewart Mary Gray Elizabeth Gordon Katharine Hagar Janet Ross Janet Robertson Margaret Fisher Bessie Donald Margaret Thomson Geills Baillie Katharin Livingstoun Agnes Kilpatrick Jannet Traill Hellen Allan Agnes Robertsone Sophia Vanheston Janet Toward Janet Gilchrist and Mary Hepburne prisoners in the said Correction house and all common whores and theives and Elizabeth Haliburton present prisoner in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, and befor extracting heirof appoynts and ordains the said Captain William Hutchisone to give bond and find sufficient Caution acted in the books of privy Councill, that he shall not carry away nor transport any other persons (except these abovementioned whose names are contained in the saids Lists) to her majesties plantations in America and that under the penalty of one hunder pound Sterling in caise he transgress the premisses, and ordaines the magistrats of Edinburgh and Keepers of their prisons to Deliver the fornamed persons to the said Captain Hutchesone to be by him transported as said is upon his receipt to be given for them he alwayes alimenting them in the mean tyme.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 306v-307v.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 306v-307v.