Act, 30 August 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

At Holyroodhouse the thirtie day of August Jaj vic and four years



Act In favours of Robert Grey Skipper in Leith

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill by Robert Gray younger Skipper in Leith for present prisoner in Dunkirk, Shewing that wher towards the latter end of June last he being come from Dantzick with his ship and Loadning to Aberdein was taken by a French privateer, and was by them together with his ship and Loadning and two of his men carried to Dunkirk and having hopes that I and my two men may be released in caice I could procure the Releasment of the French Captain of the privateer, and two of his men first taken by Captain Thomas Gordon, And therfore creaving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears. His Grace Her Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill having Considered the petition given in to them by Robert Gray younger Skiper in Leith present prisoner in Dunkirk, and the samen being read in their presence, His Grace and the saids Lords Doe heirby appoynt and ordain Jacobus Soetonay Captain of the French privateir taken by Captain Gordon in Scotland with two of his men to be sett at libertie furth of the Tolbuith of Edinburgh with full libertie and freedome to them to goe about their lawfull affairs and return to France upon the said Captain and his Doers their giving bond and finding sufficient Caution acited in the books of privy Councill That the petitioner and two of his men Lyeing in Dunkirk shall speedily be released and have a sufficient and valid pass to goe to Scotland, and that under the penalty of Four hundereth pound Sterling in caice the said Captain faill in the premisses, and gives order and warrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh and keeper of their Tolbooth upon his giving bond and finding sufficient Caution as said is to sett him and two of his men at libertie furth of their Tolbooth.

At Holyroodhouse the thirtie day of August Jaj vic and four years



Act In favours of Robert Grey Skipper in Leith

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill by Robert Gray younger Skipper in Leith for present prisoner in Dunkirk, Shewing that wher towards the latter end of June last he being come from Dantzick with his ship and Loadning to Aberdein was taken by a French privateer, and was by them together with his ship and Loadning and two of his men carried to Dunkirk and having hopes that I and my two men may be released in caice I could procure the Releasment of the French Captain of the privateer, and two of his men first taken by Captain Thomas Gordon, And therfore creaving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears. His Grace Her Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill having Considered the petition given in to them by Robert Gray younger Skiper in Leith present prisoner in Dunkirk, and the samen being read in their presence, His Grace and the saids Lords Doe heirby appoynt and ordain Jacobus Soetonay Captain of the French privateir taken by Captain Gordon in Scotland with two of his men to be sett at libertie furth of the Tolbuith of Edinburgh with full libertie and freedome to them to goe about their lawfull affairs and return to France upon the said Captain and his Doers their giving bond and finding sufficient Caution acited in the books of privy Councill That the petitioner and two of his men Lyeing in Dunkirk shall speedily be released and have a sufficient and valid pass to goe to Scotland, and that under the penalty of Four hundereth pound Sterling in caice the said Captain faill in the premisses, and gives order and warrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh and keeper of their Tolbooth upon his giving bond and finding sufficient Caution as said is to sett him and two of his men at libertie furth of their Tolbooth.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 290r-290v.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 290r-290v.