Edinburgh the 4th September 1704
[Subsistence granted to James Murehead of Braidisholme younger]
The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill considering that by the Interloquitor upon the petition given in to their Lordships by Braidisholme younger against his Father both pairties and their Lawyers were appoynted to be readie to Debate next Councill day, but that the Councill being by the Lord high Chancellor adjourned till the third day of october next they could not now fall upon the consideration of the bill and answers and it being moved by some of the members at the Board that the said Braidisholme younger should have ane subsistance out of his Fathers estate during the Dependance and it being put to the vote grant to Breadisholme younger the soume of Thirtie pound Sterling to be payed to him for his subsistence during the Depending of the proces betwixt his Father and him or not and the rolls being called and the votes marked it was carried in the affirmative grant, and therfore the saids Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill have Granted and heirby Grants to the said James Murehead younger of Braidisholme the soume of Thirtie pound Sterling money for his subsistence During the Dependance of the proces betwixt his Father and him and appoynts and ordaines th esaid James Murehead Elder of Braidisholme to pay to James Murehead younger therof his son the soume of Thirtie pounds money forsaid and that during the Dependance as said is, and that betwixt and the day of […] next to come, and that at two terms in the years Whitsunday and Mertimess be equall portions, beginning the first terms payment therof at the terme of Mertimess next to come for the halfe year preceeding and suae furth yearly and termely therafter During the Depending of the proces as said is, and appoynts letters of Horning under the signet of Councill upon ane charge of six dayes alleanarly to be direct heirupon.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 293r-293v.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 293r-293v.