Edinburgh the 7th November 1704
Act in favours of Patton of Panholls for Citeing of the Earle of Perth and others
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privie Councill by William Patton of Panholls and his Tennants Shewing that wheras the theivs and brocken men in the Highlands having in December Jaj vic and eighty nyne years fallen doun upon his Lands and robbed and Spulizied from them all their goods to the value of six thousand pound and laid waste ane great pairt therof and they having raised ane pursute before their Lordships in January Jaj vic and nyntie years against the Earle of Perth and others foundit upon the acts of parliament and proclamation’s of the Councill against heirships and Depredations committed in the Highlands, and the Lybell being admitted to their probation and witnesses examined and the probation ready to be advysed, and seeing the said proces is now Sleeping and therfore Creaving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears. The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill having Considered the above petition given in to them by William Patton of Panholls, and the samen being read in their presence the saids Lords doe heirby grant Warrand to the petitioner to maek Intimation by by ane nottar and witnesses as effeirs to the Earle of Perth and others his Factors and Chamberland such of them as are within this Kingdome personally or at their dwelling places upon fifteen dayes and such as are furth therof at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh peir and Shoar of Leith Upon Sixtie dayes to Compear before the saids Lords upon the eleventh day of January next to Come to hear and see the probation led at the petitioners instance against them advised to the finall End and Decision therof.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 299v-300r.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 299v-300r.