Act, 9 November 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Nynth day of November Jaj vijc and [four] years



Act Infavours of The Laird of Grubet younger

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By William Bennet younger of Grubet Shewing That where It hath pleased Her Majestie by Her Commission of the date the seventeen day of October Last To appoint the petitioner Muster Master General of her Majesties forces, horse, foot and Dragoons, and Garrisones within the Kingdome, and Militia of the same And it being ane pairt of the Muster Master his duty and office to keep ane Register of all the officers in the army there Commissiones as will appear by Acts of Councill Infavours of the petitioners predicessors in the said office in the said office in there Lordships Clerks hands. And Therefore Craveing the saids Lords To renew the lyke Act Infavours of the petitioner; Ordining all the officers of the Armes to give in their Commissiones to the petitioner to be recorded in a Book and Register to be keept by him for that effect. And for which he is to be answerable upon payment of the dues appointed by the saids Lords in the lyke cases formerly As the said petition bears. The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill Haveing considered the above petition given into them By William Bennet younger of Grubet And the samen Being read in there presence The saids Lords Doe heirby order and requyre the petitioner Her Majesties Muster Master General or his deput with all possible dilligence to prepare and make up Exact and true Lists of all the officers of the Army horse foot and Dragoons, Garrisons and Castles and at what time there Commissions were granted. And for that effect they doe impower and warrand the said William Bennet or his Deputs to Call for all the Commissiones in the Army and record the samen, for doeing wherof, The said William Bennet Is heirby impowered to exact a days pay of every officer and no more And the saids officers ordained to pay the samen accordingly.

Att Edinburgh the Nynth day of November Jaj vijc and [four] years



Act Infavours of The Laird of Grubet younger

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By William Bennet younger of Grubet Shewing That where It hath pleased Her Majestie by Her Commission of the date the seventeen day of October Last To appoint the petitioner Muster Master General of her Majesties forces, horse, foot and Dragoons, and Garrisones within the Kingdome, and Militia of the same And it being ane pairt of the Muster Master his duty and office to keep ane Register of all the officers in the army there Commissiones as will appear by Acts of Councill Infavours of the petitioners predicessors in the said office in the said office in there Lordships Clerks hands. And Therefore Craveing the saids Lords To renew the lyke Act Infavours of the petitioner; Ordining all the officers of the Armes to give in their Commissiones to the petitioner to be recorded in a Book and Register to be keept by him for that effect. And for which he is to be answerable upon payment of the dues appointed by the saids Lords in the lyke cases formerly As the said petition bears. The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill Haveing considered the above petition given into them By William Bennet younger of Grubet And the samen Being read in there presence The saids Lords Doe heirby order and requyre the petitioner Her Majesties Muster Master General or his deput with all possible dilligence to prepare and make up Exact and true Lists of all the officers of the Army horse foot and Dragoons, Garrisons and Castles and at what time there Commissions were granted. And for that effect they doe impower and warrand the said William Bennet or his Deputs to Call for all the Commissiones in the Army and record the samen, for doeing wherof, The said William Bennet Is heirby impowered to exact a days pay of every officer and no more And the saids officers ordained to pay the samen accordingly.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 287-8.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 287-8.