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Editorial Introduction
Historical Introduction
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Order, 4 September 1704, Edinburgh
4 January 1704
Procedure: [Buchan elected Preses]
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen to the Councill annent the Highland Chiftans and clans ther finding Caution to keep the pace etc
Procedure: Committee appointed For considering Her Majesties Letter to the Councill annent Highland Clans
5 January 1704
Act: Reprive Marion Govan
6 January 1704
Procedure: [Loudoun elected Preses]
Order: [Committee for Memorial]
Order: Order Appointing the Chiftains of Highland Clands to give Bond And finding Inland caution for keeping the pace
Order: Recommendation to the Thesaurie anent the Forces and Garisons
Warrant: Warrand to Daniell Steuart to search the shipps at Borrowstouness
Procedure: Diploma Domini Jacobi Primrose De Carrington De Titulo et Dignitate Viscomitis de Primrose
Procedure: Recommendation to the Committee annent preists and papists
Order: Recommendation for drawing ane Commission In favours off Cant of Thurston anent English victwall
10 January 1704
Procedure: [Loudoun elected Preses]
Letter: royal: Letter from The Councill To The Queens Majestie
Proclamation: Proclamation Anent passes and Passingers
11 January 1704
Procedure: [Loudoun elected Preses]
Warrant: Warrand Approveing off the proceedur off the Committee annent the Highland Clanns etc and for raising of Letters
Decreet: Decreit The Agent For the Kirk Against Mr Mungo Carnegy and Mr John Lyon sheriff Depute and substitute of Forfar
Warrant: Warrant to the Agent for the Kirk to Intimat to Sir James Strachen and Mr Hendersone to be ready
Order: Recommendation to Her Majesties Advocat annent Stevensones shipe
14 January 1704
Procedure: [Loudoune elected Preses]
Order: Exonouration Infavours off the solicitor for not Executing Letters against Highland Clanns etc
17 January 1704
Procedure: [Lauderdale elected Preses]
Order: Recommendation to the Theasaurie anent Discovering Shipps
Order: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat To adjust matters betuixt Mr Patrick Ogilvie and Robert Williamsone
Order: Recommendation to the Theasaurie anent powder from Berwick
Procedure: committee formed: Committy anent Disorders, at Nithsdale, and anent preists and Jesuits
18 January 1704
Procedure: [Glasgow elected Preses]
Procedure: Report off the Committee anent Highland Clanns etc
Act: Act Infavours off Murdoch Mclean of Lochbuy
Decreet: Decreit The Agent for the Kirk againest Sir James Strachan
Decreet: Decreit The agent for the Kirk againest Mr James Hendersone
Warrant: Warrand for opening the Manses off the Churches off Aucherhouse Essay and Nevoy
25 January 1704
Procedure: [Finlatter elected Preses]
Order: Recommendation to My Lord Advocat To speak with Livetennent Generall Ramsay anent forces to be allowed to Mr Patrick Ogilvie
Warrant: Warrand to the Macers off Councill To Requyre Sir Robert Mylne off Bartoun To reproduce the Inventar off the wrytts of the Charter Chist off the Earle off Kincairdine
Procedure: Recommendation to the Former Committee annent the plot To Examine Frazers brother and the post master of Inverness
Commission by the Council: Commissione In favours off Lodwick Cant off Thurstoun For hindering the Importation of English victwall
1 February 1704
Procedure: [Marr elected Preses]
Letter: royal: Letter from The Queen To The Councill annent the plott
Procedure: committee formed: Committee for drawen ane answer to the forsaid Letter
3 February 1704
Procedure: [Marr elected Preses]
Letter: royal: Letter from The Councill To To the Queen
Warrant: Warrand For keeping Her Majesties Birthday etc
Order: Recommendation to the Governour of the Castle of Edinburgh To cause fire the Guns of the Castle for Her Majesties Birthday
Warrant: Warrand for giveing up John Muir Skipper at Borrowstouness his Bond
Procedure: committee formed: Committee for Enquiring into the Export of money and Import off Brass and Copper Coyn
7 February 1704
Procedure: [Eglington elected Preses]
Procedure: Recommendation to the Councill anent the plote etc
Procedure: Committee for Considering The provost of Drumfreis Letter and protest and For bringing into the Councill a proclamation anent preists
8 February 1704
Procedure: [Eglingtoun elected Preses]
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen To The Councill Anent ane Regiment off Foot To be levyed and Commanded by Collonell McArtney
Warrant: Warrand to Collonell McArtney for beating of Drums for Levying ane Regiment off Foot To be Commanded By him
Order: Recommendation To the Lord Advocate To draw Letters to the Secretaries and to the Duik of Ormond anent Hunters shipe
10 February 1704
Procedure: [Marr elected Preses]
Procedure: Interloquitor anent the Duke of Atholls letter
Order: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat To prepair and bring into the Councill ane letter to be sent by the Councill to the Queen anent Duik of Atholls memoriall to her Majestie
Warrant: Warrand to the Clerks of Councill to give David Baillie Doubles of his Interogattors etc
Act: Act Infavours off The Affrican Company
11 February 1704
Procedure: [Marr elected Preses]
Letter: royal: Letter from the Councill To Her Majestie anent the Duke of Atholls memoriall and Letter
Letter: royal: Letter from the Councill To The Queen anent the Affrican Companies petition
12 February 1704
Procedure: [Marr elected Preses]
Warrant: Warrand declairing David Baillie refusing to give answers to the writtin Interogattors ane high contempt of the Councills authoritie
14 February 1704
Procedure: [Marr elected Preses]
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen To The Councill adjourning the parliament to the Fourth day of Apprill nixt
Proclamation: Proclamatione adjurning the parliament to the 4th off Apprill
Warrant: Warrant for delyvering Three horse steallers to the Sherriff of Roxburgh To be Judged and tried by him at Jedburgh
Act: Act Liberating John and Donald Frazers
Warrant: Warrand for committing David Baillie prisoner in the Tolbuith of Edinburgh during the Councills pleasure
Act: Act anent Duke of Hamiltouns petitione
15 February 1704
Procedure: [Eglingtoun elected Preses]
Warrant: Warrand Recommending the advocat To raise a new proces against the Countes of Seaforth
Procedure: Two Letters prepaired by the Advocat one to the Lord Secretary and ane other to the Duke off Ormond anent Hunters Shipe
Letter: from the Council: Letter from the Councill To The Earle of Cromerty Lord Secretary of State for Scotland anent Hunters Shipe
Letter: from the Council: Letter from the Councill To His Grace The Duke of Ormond Lord Livet of Ireland anent Hunters shipe
Act: Act Infavours off David Baillie
Order: Recommendation to the Committee anent the plote To meet and Examin Steill and Frazers
Warrant: Warrant for Liberating John and Donald Frazers
18 February 1704
Procedure: [Buchan elected Preses]
Procedure: Ane Bundle of papers anent the plot With a Letter from the Duke of Queensberry and ane other from the Marques of Annandale To the Lord Advocat to be laid befoir the Councill
24 February 1704
Procedure: [Lothian elected Preses]
Warrant: Warrand for citting Glengarrie and the Captain of Clanronald To appear befoir the Councill
Decreet: Decreit The Duke of Queensberry and the Marques of Annandale Againest David Baillie brother to Mannerhall
26 February 1704
Procedure: [Buchan elected Preses]
Act: Act Infavours off Alexander Steuart
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen To The Councill for apprehending Captain John Murray brother to Abercairne
Procedure: Pro Restitutione antiquissimi et nobilissimi ordinis Cardui
26 February 1704 (pm)
Procedure: [Loudon elected Preses]
Proclamation: Proclamation for apprehending Captain John Morray
29 February 1704
Procedure: [Eglingtoun elected Preses]
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen To The Councill for apprehending Captain James Murray
29 February 1704 (pm)
Procedure: [Eglingtoun elected Preses]
Proclamation: Proclamation for apprehending Captain James Murray
Warrant: Warrand anent receaving The Dutches of Argyle Cautioner for Highland Clans
Order: Recommendation To Livetennent Generall Ramsay To order 40, foot, and 20, Dragouns to the Westren Coasts
Procedure: Remitt to the Committee anent Irish victwall To adjust Mr Ogilvies, proposall anent dragouns horse
Act: Act In favours of Alexander Steuart
Warrant: Warrand appointing Mr Donald of Shyan and Mr Donald of Kitray To find Caution for their appearance befoir the Councill
14 March 1704
Procedure: [Buchan elected Preses]
Letter: royal: Letter from The Queen To the Councill anent preist and trafecquing papists etc
Order: Recomendation to the former Committee anent the plott To Examine Blair sone to the late Carbery etc
Warrant: Warrant to the Magistrats of Edinburgh for burning popish vestments Crucifixes etc
Procedure: Additionall Committee anent the Church Grivances
Procedure: Recomendation to the Committee anent the plott to open and consider ane Bundle of papers found at the late search for preists
Commission by the Council: Commission Infavours of Alexander Steuart To be steuart principall off the steuartry off Monteith
Warrant: Warrand appoving The Duke of Gordons Bond
Order: Recomendation to the Livt Generall To send a Detatchment of forces to the Two men of Wair
15 March 1704
Procedure: [Buchan elected Preses]
Procedure: Commissio Gulielmi Domini Ross pro Generali Ecclesiae Conventu tenendo
Decreet: Decreit The Agent for the Kirk Against Mr Patrick Chalmers Intruder at Rayn
Warrant: Warrant for bringing into the Councill ane proclamatione anent papists
Order: Order to the Clerks of Councill To prepair and bring into the Councill a Commission for trying and Judgeing Elspeth Archbald and Christian Main
17 March 1704
Procedure: [Buchan elected Preses]
Proclamation: Proclamation Against preists and traffecquing papists
Procedure: Report of the Committee anent Dingwall and approbation thereof
Warrant: Warrand appointing The Sherriff of Elgine and his Deputs To put the legall Ministers in possession of the Litle Kirk of Elgin and keep them therin intyme Comeing
Warrant: Warrand anent pamphlets and sellers of them
Warrant: Warrant to the Committee anent prest men For Liberating all schollers and Colliginers who shall be hereafter taken on or prest
Warrant: Warrant to the Committee To Examine John Steill
Warrant: Warrand for raising Letters againest Glengarie and Keppoch
Warrant: Warrand for Raising of Letters againest the Highland Clans
21 March 1704
Procedure: [Buchan elected Preses]
Warrant: Warrand appointing David Baillie to be set upon the Trone
Commission by the Council: Commission for Judgeing and trying of Elspeth Archbald and Christian Mair
Order: Recommendation to the Thesaury for payment of 6 pound scotts to John Blair etc
Warrant: [Interment at Holyrood]
Warrant: Warrand for Delyvering of John Bentham To Captain William Montgomrie
22 March 1704
Procedure: [Lothian elected Preses]
Letter: royal: Letter from The Queen To The Councill anent Recruits etc
Warrant: Warrand to the officers of the Scotts Regiments in Holland for beating Drumbs for Levying men
Letter: royal: Letter from The Councill To The Queen
Procedure: Recommendation to the advocat and Livt Generall To wrytt to the Secretaries anent Her Majesties Letter
Warrant: Warrand dischairing the Solicitors to Execute the Letters against Highland Clans and that against McIntosh younger
Procedure: committee: Committee for hearing and determining all debeats betwuixt prestmen and souldiers
Procedure: committee: Committee for Examining the magistrats of Edinburgh and Captain Stevensone anent Baillie prisoner
28 March 1704
Procedure: [Lothian elected Preses]
Letter: royal: Letter from The Queen To The Councill
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjourning the parliament
Commission by the Council: Commission Infavours off Adam Drummond of Meggins To be Steuart principall of the Steuartrie of Stratherne and etc
Procedure: Report of the Committee anent Glengarie
Warrant: Warrand for setting David Baillie on the Tron and transporting him to Blackness Castle
25 April 1704
Warrant: Warrand anent the Lord Justices of Ireland there Letter to the Earle of Eglingtoun anent the seizour of ane Scotts shipe
Procedure: Recomendation to the Chancellor to speak to the Generall anent Recruits And the Captain of the Man of Warr anent McArtnies Regiment
Procedure: Committee for Considering the draught of the proclamation anent the Excyse
Procedure: The oath of Alleadgence and assurance sworn and signed at Court by the Duke of Argyle and Viscount of Dupline as privie Councellors In presence of Her Majestie and the Scotts Councill
Decreet: Decreit Her Majesties Advocate Against Higland Clanns
Decreet: Decreit The Agent for the Kirk Againest Mr Craes and others
Decreet: Decreit The agent for the Kirk Againest The sherriff depute of Ross
28 April 1704
Letter: royal: Letter from The Queen To The Councill for Adjourning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation for Adjourning the Parliament
Act: Act Infavours of Thomas Clochar and Halbertshyre his Master
Proclamation: Proclamation anent the Excyse
Procedure: Recommendation to the Lord High Chancellor to call for James Clark and know of him why the Great seall is not cutt
Warrant: Warrand Anent prest men
2 May 1704
Procedure: Recommendation to the Chancellour anent a Letter found in the parliament house
Procedure: Recommendation to the Lord High Chancellour To examine Captine Spence anent the affront done by him to Her Majesties shipe The Royall Mary
Procedure: committee formed: Committee anent the Export of Money
Act: Act Infavours Alexander McDonall of Glengarie
9 May 1704
Procedure: committee formed: Committee anent the Export of money and Report of Forraign Brass Coyne
Order: Recommendation to Captain Ouen
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queens Majesty To The Councill for Reduceing the four Regiments Commanded by the Marques of Lothian, The Earles of Hyndfoord and Mar and Lord Strathnaver
Warrant: Warrand for reduceing two men out of each Company and Establishing ane independent Company
Proclamation: Proclamation Dischargeing the Export of money
Order: Recommendation to the Committee anent prestmen
Act: Act Infavours of David Baillie
15 May 1704
Warrant: Warrand for Committing the Captain and Livetennent of the French shipe taken by Captain Gordon prisoners in Edinburgh Tolbooth, and ordaining the said Captain Gordon to bring ashoar the Crew and Committ them prisoners to the Tolbooths of Leith and Cannongate
Warrant: Warrand for apprehending John Steill and Committing him to prison whilst he renew his Caution
Procedure: Committee for Examining the Captain and Livts of the French Frigott
30 May 1704
Letter: royal: Letter from The Queens Majestie To The Councill for Adjourning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjourning the Parliament to the 22d of June
Warrant: Warrand for a Detachment of 40 foot and 20 Dragouns to be sent to the Western Coasts to assist Mr Patrick Ogilvie
6 June 1704
Procedure: [Privy Councillors dismissed]
Order: Recommendation to the Thesaurie for Continueing the Cruize two moneths
Order: Recommendation to the Thesaurie anent the French privateir
Act: Act Infavours of Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel
Procedure: Recommendation to the Committee anent the plot to Call for and Examine [...] De La Loon
13 June 1704
Procedure: Commissio Jacobi Johnstoun nuper status secretarii De officio Registrorum et Rotulorum Clerici
Warrant: Warrand to James Clerk, To Ingrave the Quarter Seall and Cashet
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Advocat To raise a proces against Baillie Warrander and others
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Advocat to raise a proces at his instance Against Witches in Pitten-Weem
Procedure: Recommendation to the Chancellor to wryt to the secretary of state anent the french prisoners being exchanged with scots
15 June 1704
Letter: royal: Letter from The Queens Majestie To The Councill for Adjourning the parliament to the sixth day of July nixt
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjourning the Parliament to the Sixth day of July
Act: Act In favours of Mr Robert Davidsone
Order: Recommendation to the Thesaurie Infavours of Captain Richard Maitland
22 June 1704
Procedure: [Oath of allegience sworn]
Acts: Act Infavours of John Blair
Procedure: Formula taken and signed By John Blair
Procedure: Recommendation to the Advocat anent the Post masters papers at Inverness
4 July 1704
Procedure: [James Johnstoun sworn as Lord Register]
Decreet: Decreit Her Majesties Advocat against Highland Clanns
6 July 1704
Warrant: Warrand for Transporting Sir George Maxwell and Captain Livingstoun To the Castle of Edinburgh
Procedure: Commissio Joannis Marchionis de Tweeddale
20 July 1704
Order: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat To call for and Examine Skipper Rate his Crew etc anent passingers come to Scotland in Preschios shipe
Procedure: committee formed: Committee for Examining Sir George Maxwell
Procedure: Recommendation To the Lord Advocat to call for Thomson Hay and Barclay
Procedure: Recommendation To the Lord Secretary to wryt to Court anent the French prisoners
Warrant: Warrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh and Baillies of Leith For searching the ships for passingers come from abroad
20 July 1704(pm)
Warrant: Warrand Liberating Sir George Maxwell of Orchardtoun
Warrant: Warrand for liberating Captain John Livingstoun furth of the Castle of Edinburgh
Order: Recommendation to the Thesaurie Infavours of Peter DelaCour for payment of four shilling scots per diem
28 July 1704
Warrant: Warrand Banishing Alexander Gibb a Traffeckquing papist furth of the Kingdome
7 August 1704
Warrant: Warrand anent the prisoners on board the Dunkirk privateir
Procedure: Recommendation to His Grace The Lord High Commissioner, The Lords Chancellor and secretary to wryt to Court anent the French prisoners
Warrant: Warrant to the Clerks of Councill To delyver up the Commission and Instruction of the French privateirs To the Clerks of Admirality upon Recept
30 August 1704
Act: Act Infavours of Captain McCleod and Captain McKinnon
Act: Act Infavours of John Steill
Act: Act banishing Captain Livingstoun
Order: Recommendation To the Theasaurie to aggree with a shipe To carry the French prisoners to New-Castle
Warrant: Warrand for ane Thanksgiveing day
Proclamation: Proclamation for a Solemn Nationall Thanksgiveing
Procedure: committee formed: Committee for publict occurrances
4 September 1704
Warrant: Warrand for setting Petter Delacour at Liberty
Order: Recommendation to the Generall to send aboard 10 sentinells and ane Serjant aboard Archibald Drummonds shipe for carring and securing the French prisoners to New Castle
Warrant: Warrand anent transporting the French prisoners to New Castle
Order: Orders to Captain Gordon to saill to Newcastle
Warrant: Warrand for Breaking the Great and Quarter Sealls
5 September 1704
Warrant: Warrand to Mistres Anderson to sell the Acts of Parliament
Procedure: Recommendation to the Chancellor to wryt to Court anent the English shipe
Warrant: Warrand for the Captain of the French privateer last taken by Captain Gordon To transport himselfe with the rest of the French prisoners to New Castle
Commission by the Council: Commission for Judgeing and trying of John Roy, Elspeth Tulloch and Jannet Dallas for murdering Children
3 October 1704
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen's Majestie To The Councill for Adjourning the parliament to the 16 of December
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjourning the parliament to the 16 of December
Order: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat To sett at Liberty Issobell Adam suspect of Witch Craft
Warrant: Warrand for Banishing Mr James Innes a preist
Warrant: Warrand for disposeing of Theives now at Peebles to be souldiers.
Warrant: Warrand anent the payment of the Aliment and house dues of prisoners
Procedure: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat To wryt to the Duke of Gordon and Borlam anent the Garrison of Fort William
Warrant: Warrand Dischargeing Thurstouns Commission
Procedure: Recommendation to the Advocat and General Ramsay anent Mr Patrick Ogilvie
7 November 1704
Procedure: Sir Patrick Johnstoun receaved a Councellor
Procedure: The Earle of Roxburgh took the oath of alleadgence As one of the secretaries of state for this Kingdome
Procedure: Oath of Alleadgence taken by David Earle of Leven As Governour and Constable of the Castle of Edinburgh
Order: Recommendation to the Theasaury Infavours of Rot Greirson and James Hunter
Procedure: committee formed: Committee anent the false Coyn and Coyners at Drumfreis
Procedure: committee formed: Committee upon the petition By the Shyre of Elgine anent Justices of the peace
9 November 1704
Procedure: The Earle of Seafeild qualified himselfe as Secretary of State
Procedure: The Marques of Tweddale qualified himselfe as Chancellor
Procedure: Litera Davidis Comitis De Leven De officio Gubernatoris arcis Edinburgensae
Procedure: Commission to Captain Bennet To Be Muster Master General of the forces
Act: Act Infavours of The Laird of Grubet younger
Order: Recommendation to the General anent Irish victuall and sending 40 foot and 20 Dragoons to the West thereanent
14 November 1704
16 November 1704
Procedure: Recommendation to the Committee anent false Coyn and Coyners
Procedure: Recommendation to the Advocat to wryt to Captain Grant anent preists at Murray
23 November 1704
Warrant: Warrand for apprehending some Dragoons for killing a man att Laingtoun
Act: Reprive to Elizabeth Hailburton
Act: Act Infavours of Mr Patrick Ogilvie
Warrant: Warrand Anent prest men and souldiers
28 November 1704
Order: Recommendation to the Thesaurie Infavours of John Melvill
30 November 1704
Procedure: [Note of no business]
5 December 1704
Commission to the Council: : Commissio Dominorii Secreti Concilii
Procedure: : Commissio Joannis Marchionis De Tweeddle
Procedure: : Litera Joannis Comitis de Rothes De officio Domini secreti sigilli Custodis
Procedure: : Litera Joannis Comitis De Roxburgh De officio ex duobus status secretarii
Procedure: : Litera Jacobi Comitis de Seafeild De Officio ex duobus status secretarii
Procedure: : Litera Georgii Baillie de Jerviswood De officio Thesaurarii Deputati
Procedure: : Litera Domini Gulielmi Hamilton de Whytlaw De officio Justiciarice Clerici
Warrant: : Warrand renewing the Committees power
7 December 1704
Procedure: : Earl of Belcarras and Lord Yester qualified to Her Majestie as privie Councellors
Procedure: : Recommendation to the committee anent popery and fals Coyne
11 December 1704
Letter: royal: : Letter from The Queen To The Councill for adjourning the parliament to the 1st of February
Proclamation: : Proclamation Adjourning the Parliament to the 1st of February
Letter: royal: : Letter from The Queen's Majestie To The Councill anent Recruits
Procedure: committee formed: : Committee upon the Queens Letter and for drawing ane Commission for ane Capitulation with the states of Holland
Warrant: : Warrand to the Clerks of Councill to give inspection of the Records of Councill To The Committee of Parliament
12 December 1704
Letter: royal: : Letter by The Councill To The Queens Majestie anent Recruits
Act: : Act Infavours of Captain Livingston
14 December 1704
Proclamation: : Proclamation Anent Recruits and Vagabonds
Warrant: : Warrand approveing of Andrew Rutherfoord's consent to be a souldier under Ensigne Eliot
18 December 1704
Procedure: : [Note of Business]
Procedure: : [Committee anent priests]
Commission: : Commission for Judgeing and tryeing George and Lauchlane Ratries for Charmeing withcraft etc
21 December 1704
Procedure: : The Earles of Mar and Haddintoun qualified themselves as privie Councellors
Act: : Act Infavours off Robert Howie
22 December 1704
Warrant: : Warrand to the Committee for transporting any of Greens Crew to any prison they please
Order: : Recommendation to the Committee for apprehending and committing to prison [...] Bannatyne one of Captain Greens Crew
28 December 1704
Procedure: : The Earle of Glencairn qualified himselfe to Her Majestie
Procedure: : Additionall Committee anent Export of money
Procedure: : Recommendation to the Committee anent poperie to meett
Order: : Order for makeing new dyes, And recommendation to the Committee To meet anent false Coyne
Procedure: : Recommendation to the Advocat anent the tryeing of Roy and others for murder
4 January 1704
Procedure: [Note of Business]
5 January 1704
Procedure: [Note of Business]
6 January 1704
Procedure: [Note of Business]
10 January 1704
Procedure: [Note of Business]
11 January 1704
Procedure: [Note of Business]
14 January 1704
Procedure: [Note of Business]
17 January 1704
Procedure: [Note of Business]
18 January 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
Act: Act In favours of Hugh Catheart of Castletoun
25 January 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
Act: Act Infavours of The Earle of Hoptoun
Act: Act Infavours of Jannet Midletoun relict of the deceast Mr Robert Burnet
1 February 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
3 February 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
7 February 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
8 February 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
10 February 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
11 February 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
12 February 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
14 February 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
15 February 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
Act: Act Infavours of Livetennent Collonell John Erskine
18 February 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
24 February 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
29 February 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
14 March 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
Procedure: Act Infavours off The Lady Logie
17 March 1704
Act: Act Infavours off John Oswald etc and others
22 March 1704
Act: Warrand for Liberating Robert Fouller
Act: Act Infavours of Alison Grahame Relict of the deceast Robert Hunter of Burnside
28 March 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
25 April 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
28 April 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
2 May 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
9 May 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
15 May 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
30 May 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
6 June 1704
Procedure: [Note of business]
13 June 1704
Act: Act Infavours of Charles Cookburn
Act: Act Infavours of James Gordon
Act: Act Infavours of Thomas Maxwell of Gelstoun
4 July 1704
Act: Act In favours of The Earle of Carnwath and others of the keeping of Sir Thomas Dalziell of Bins
20 July 1704
Act: Act In favours of the Toune of Montross and Dundie
30 August 1704
Act: Act In favours of William Gordon Factor at Paris
Act: Act In favours of Robert Grey Skipper in Leith
Order: Recommendation to the Threasury in favours of Glengary
Act: Protection for the Laird of Glengary
Act: Act In favours of Patrick Smith anent Brewing
Act: Act In favours of James Clark Ingraver
Order: Recommendation In favours of Thomas Kennedy and John Johnstoun
4 September 1704
Procedure: Recommendation In favours of the Duke of Argyle
Act: [Subsistence granted to James Murehead of Braidisholme younger]
Act: Act In favours of Robert Gray
Order: Recommendation In favours of Thomas Kennedy and David Miller
Order: Recomendation In favours of the in Exchequer
Order: Recommendation In favours of the macers of Sessione
Order: Recommendation In favours of the six clerks of Session their servants
5 September 1704
Act: Act appoynting Mr David Williamsone and Swintoune to give account of the Collection for Releiving the prisoners and slaves at Algeirs
30 October 1704
Act: Act In favours of the Laird of Braidisholme Elder
Warrant: Warrand for appending the seall to the Commission granted to the Laird of Grant younger to be Sheriffe of Inverness
Warrant: Warrand for citeing Severall persons at the instance of the Meacers of Councill, for exhibiting wreats belonging to them as Meacers
Warrant: Warrand for setting Gerard Druiver Lievtennant of the privateir at libertie upon his giving bond for 100 livres sterling that Mr Gray shall be leased and have a sufficient pass from Dunkirk
Warrant: Warrand for Setting Peter Aggat Commander of the Fox at liberty Furth of the Tolbuith of Edinburgh
7 November 1704
Warrant: Warrand to the Clerks of Councill to give out the Commission in favours of Megnish to be stewart of Strathren
Warrant: Warrand for passing Sir Francis Scotts Commission to be Master of work per Saltum
Act: Act the Toun of Edinburgh, and Recommendation to the advocat to call for George Drummond and adjust matters, betwixt him and the Toun anent criminall prisoners
Act: Act in favours of Sir James Dalrymple for printing a book
Act: Act in favours of Patton of Panholls for Citeing of the Earle of Perth and others
Act: Act in favours of Barbara Cockburn Spouse to Saint Mairtins for citeing her Husband
16 November 1704
Act: Act in favours of Muirhead of Braidisholme younger
28 November 1704
Act: Act in favours of Hutchisone for transporting Whores
30 November 1704
Decreet: Decreit absolvitor John Duff and others against Davidsone of Newtoune
Decreet: Interloquitor upon the petition by Captain Donaldson and the Hammermen in Edinburgh
Act: Act In favours of the Burgh of Annan
5 December 1704
Act: Act for liberating Mr John Grieve furth of the Tolbuith of Selkirk
12 December 1704
Decreet: Decreit Barbara Cockburne Lady Saintmartines against her Husband
Act: Act for expences in favours of Hamilton of Cowbardie and John Duff
14 December 1704
Warrant: Warrand for interring the Corps of the Lord Whytlaw in the abby church
19 December 1704
Warrant: Warrand for allowing George and Lauchlin Rattryes open prison, and to be taken out of the Dungeon
Procedure: Approbation of the procedure of the Committie anent the Bank