Letter: royal, 10 January 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tenth January One Thousand seventh hundereth and four years Called Extraordinar


Letter: royal

Letter from The Councill To The Queens Majestie

Letter from the Councill to the Queens Majestie In answer to Her Majesties Letter Directed to their Lordships annent the Highland Chifftans and Clanns there finding Caution Being read and the samen was read votted approven and signed and appoynted to be Recorded And Recommended to My Lord Advocat to Transmit the samen to Her Majestie by a flyieng pacqwet this night off the which Letter the tennor followes May it please, your Majesty In obediance to your Majesties Last orders we have given the necessary Directiones for provyding of Fort William and posting of your Majesties forces to the best advantage Referring as to this Last particular to the accounts given by Livetennent Generall Ramsay to your Secretaries We have also ordered the Land Lords and Cheiffs off the Higland Clanns to be Chairged to give security for the pace in manner prescribed by the Acts off parliament and that as to such particular persones and in such a manner as we hope may be most effectwall for the end designed Befoir we receaved your Majesties Letter for inquyring affter The Eight Thousand stand of Armes said to be shipt at Rotterdame for Scotland The Lords of Theasaurie Haveing hade Information off Arms and ammunition brought home in the late fleet That came from Holland for the use off privat persones Did give orders to Inquyre what the Quantites and who the persones wer and to secure all untill the Government should be first served as the Law provyds and they had ane account off some small parcells But the Three ships followeing George Walker for Aberdain, John Moore for Montrose, and John Stevenson for Dundee goeing up to Borrowstouness and be requyred by the Custome office to make report off their Loadning they immediatly hoised saill with the waiters aboard But the waiters being Returned the ships are secured upon our orders and we Expect ane account off the Loadning with the skippers that are cited to appear befoir us We have also given strict orders To all Magistrats and Collectors off Sea ports to take notice of all Ships arriving within their bounds and off what armes or ammunition they may have aboard and what passengers they may bring with them As also we have given orders that noe passengers goe out off the Kingdome without passes and in what ever your Majestie Recommends or that may secure the saifty and pace of the Kingdome We shall use our outmost dilligence and give tymous accounts therof And we have herewith sent to your secretaries the Coppies off some Letters we have Receaved from Brigadeer Maitland for your Majesties better Information in order to what farder Directions yow may Judge necessary for us And we wishing your Majestie along happie and over prosperous rigne We are May it please your Majestie Your Majesties most Loyall most faithfull and most obedient subjects and servants Sic Subscribitur Loudoun I:P:D Lauderdale Glasgow, Hoptoune, Garnock Hew Dalrymple James Murray James Steuart, John Hamiltoun, James Falconer Francis Montgomrie Rott McKenzie Rott Sinclair, Wm Morison

Att Edinburgh the Tenth January One Thousand seventh hundereth and four years Called Extraordinar


Letter: royal

Letter from The Councill To The Queens Majestie

Letter from the Councill to the Queens Majestie In answer to Her Majesties Letter Directed to their Lordships annent the Highland Chifftans and Clanns there finding Caution Being read and the samen was read votted approven and signed and appoynted to be Recorded And Recommended to My Lord Advocat to Transmit the samen to Her Majestie by a flyieng pacqwet this night off the which Letter the tennor followes May it please, your Majesty In obediance to your Majesties Last orders we have given the necessary Directiones for provyding of Fort William and posting of your Majesties forces to the best advantage Referring as to this Last particular to the accounts given by Livetennent Generall Ramsay to your Secretaries We have also ordered the Land Lords and Cheiffs off the Higland Clanns to be Chairged to give security for the pace in manner prescribed by the Acts off parliament and that as to such particular persones and in such a manner as we hope may be most effectwall for the end designed Befoir we receaved your Majesties Letter for inquyring affter The Eight Thousand stand of Armes said to be shipt at Rotterdame for Scotland The Lords of Theasaurie Haveing hade Information off Arms and ammunition brought home in the late fleet That came from Holland for the use off privat persones Did give orders to Inquyre what the Quantites and who the persones wer and to secure all untill the Government should be first served as the Law provyds and they had ane account off some small parcells But the Three ships followeing George Walker for Aberdain, John Moore for Montrose, and John Stevenson for Dundee goeing up to Borrowstouness and be requyred by the Custome office to make report off their Loadning they immediatly hoised saill with the waiters aboard But the waiters being Returned the ships are secured upon our orders and we Expect ane account off the Loadning with the skippers that are cited to appear befoir us We have also given strict orders To all Magistrats and Collectors off Sea ports to take notice of all Ships arriving within their bounds and off what armes or ammunition they may have aboard and what passengers they may bring with them As also we have given orders that noe passengers goe out off the Kingdome without passes and in what ever your Majestie Recommends or that may secure the saifty and pace of the Kingdome We shall use our outmost dilligence and give tymous accounts therof And we have herewith sent to your secretaries the Coppies off some Letters we have Receaved from Brigadeer Maitland for your Majesties better Information in order to what farder Directions yow may Judge necessary for us And we wishing your Majestie along happie and over prosperous rigne We are May it please your Majestie Your Majesties most Loyall most faithfull and most obedient subjects and servants Sic Subscribitur Loudoun I:P:D Lauderdale Glasgow, Hoptoune, Garnock Hew Dalrymple James Murray James Steuart, John Hamiltoun, James Falconer Francis Montgomrie Rott McKenzie Rott Sinclair, Wm Morison

1. NRS, PC1/53, 115-17.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 115-17.