Edinburgh the 4th September 1704
Recomendation In favours of the in Exchequer
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lord high Chancellor and the Lords of her Majesties privie Councill by the Servants in Exchequer, Shewing that during the sitting of the last session of parliament the meetings therof being so frequent, ther were no meetings either of Thesaury or Exchequer (althoug the petitioners attendance were more close than in the tyme of Session when Thesaury and Exchequer sitts) wherby the petitioners were altogither frustrat of any Casualitie falling to them by these meetings which is the great mean of ther subsistence, And their Lordships being in use to Recommend the petitioners to the Lords of her Majesties Thesaury for such allowance as their Lordships shall think fitt, and in use to be granted to the petitioners on that accompt. And therfore Creaving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears, The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill having Considered the above petition given in to them by the servants in Exchequer, and the samen being read in their presence, The saids Lords Doe heirby Recommend the petitioners to the Lords Commissioners of her Majesties Thesaury for such ane allowance as their Lordships Shall think fitt on account of their closs attendance during the last session of parliament though the Thesaury nor Exchequer mett not as in tyme of session.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 294v-295r.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 294v-295r.