Procedure, 13 June 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Threttein day of June Jaj vijc and four years



Recommendation to the Chancellor to wryt to the secretary of state anent the french prisoners being exchanged with scots

The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Doe hereby Recommend to the Lord High Chancellor, To wryt to the secretary of state for this Kingdome, That it may be laid before Her Majestie, To give orders to the Commissioners of Exchange of French prisoners, That the prisoners taken abroad of the French Privateir by Captain Gordon, may be exchanged with Scots men taken aboard of scots vessells now prisoners in France, And in the first place, with the Eight or Ten scots prisoners lyeing and detained at Dumant, taken aboard of a scots shipe and then with such scots prisoners as have been taken up in the English service, or aboard of English vessells, and that the Exchange of prisoners may be made accordingly.

Att Edinburgh the Threttein day of June Jaj vijc and four years



Recommendation to the Chancellor to wryt to the secretary of state anent the french prisoners being exchanged with scots

The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Doe hereby Recommend to the Lord High Chancellor, To wryt to the secretary of state for this Kingdome, That it may be laid before Her Majestie, To give orders to the Commissioners of Exchange of French prisoners, That the prisoners taken abroad of the French Privateir by Captain Gordon, may be exchanged with Scots men taken aboard of scots vessells now prisoners in France, And in the first place, with the Eight or Ten scots prisoners lyeing and detained at Dumant, taken aboard of a scots shipe and then with such scots prisoners as have been taken up in the English service, or aboard of English vessells, and that the Exchange of prisoners may be made accordingly.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 249.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 249.