Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh 19th December 1704



Approbation of the procedure of the Committie anent the Bank

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lord High Chancellour, and remanent Lords of her Majesties most honorable privie Councill, by the Court of Directors of the Governour and Company of the Bank of Scotland, Humbly Represents, That payments being now Stopt at the Bank through the deficiency of Cash occasioned by extraordinary and unexpected demands within these twentie dayes past Upon a report of raiseing the value of money industriously promoted and spread by some persons and upon the great Scarsity of Cash in the Nation They judged it their duty to Represent the same to her Majesties most honorable privie Councill, Humbly Craveing that their Lordships might appoynt some of their Number to take inspection of the Companys books and therin see the sufficiencie of the Security to the Nation for the Bank notes that are running, and to take such Course as in their Wisdom they Should think fitt for the satisfaction of those who might have Bank notes in their hands, The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill having Considered the above petition given in to them, By the Court of Directors of the Governour and Company of the Bank of Scotland, And the Samen being read in their presence, The Saids Lords Doe heirby Nominat and appoynt the Earle of Loudoun, Lords Belhaven, President of Session, Advocat Theasaurer Deput, Phesdo, and Blackadder to be a Committie to Consider and take tryall of what is represented in the said above petition, with this Declaration alwise that the Remitting of this proposall, nor anie thing that may follow therupon shall nowayes prejudge or hinder any mans right or dilligence that he shall think fitt to use therupon, And Recomends to the said Committie to meet in the Bank office, to Morrow at two of the Cloack in the afternoon, and Declaires any three a Quorum, and to report. The Committie of privie Councill appoynted for inspecting the State of the Bank haveing inspected and examined the same both in charge and Discharge, Doe find that the Bank hath sufficient provisions to Satisfie and pay all their oustanding bills and debts2 Conforme to ane abstract of the said accompt left in the Clerks of Councills hands for the greater satisfaction of all Concerned. The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill haveing heard the above report, Doe approve of the Dilligence of the Committie, And allow the said report to be printed.

Edinburgh 19th December 1704



Approbation of the procedure of the Committie anent the Bank

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lord High Chancellour, and remanent Lords of her Majesties most honorable privie Councill, by the Court of Directors of the Governour and Company of the Bank of Scotland, Humbly Represents, That payments being now Stopt at the Bank through the deficiency of Cash occasioned by extraordinary and unexpected demands within these twentie dayes past Upon a report of raiseing the value of money industriously promoted and spread by some persons and upon the great Scarsity of Cash in the Nation They judged it their duty to Represent the same to her Majesties most honorable privie Councill, Humbly Craveing that their Lordships might appoynt some of their Number to take inspection of the Companys books and therin see the sufficiencie of the Security to the Nation for the Bank notes that are running, and to take such Course as in their Wisdom they Should think fitt for the satisfaction of those who might have Bank notes in their hands, The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill having Considered the above petition given in to them, By the Court of Directors of the Governour and Company of the Bank of Scotland, And the Samen being read in their presence, The Saids Lords Doe heirby Nominat and appoynt the Earle of Loudoun, Lords Belhaven, President of Session, Advocat Theasaurer Deput, Phesdo, and Blackadder to be a Committie to Consider and take tryall of what is represented in the said above petition, with this Declaration alwise that the Remitting of this proposall, nor anie thing that may follow therupon shall nowayes prejudge or hinder any mans right or dilligence that he shall think fitt to use therupon, And Recomends to the said Committie to meet in the Bank office, to Morrow at two of the Cloack in the afternoon, and Declaires any three a Quorum, and to report. The Committie of privie Councill appoynted for inspecting the State of the Bank haveing inspected and examined the same both in charge and Discharge, Doe find that the Bank hath sufficient provisions to Satisfie and pay all their oustanding bills and debts2 Conforme to ane abstract of the said accompt left in the Clerks of Councills hands for the greater satisfaction of all Concerned. The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill haveing heard the above report, Doe approve of the Dilligence of the Committie, And allow the said report to be printed.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 341v-342r.

2. Marginal note here: ‘And that with a considerable overplus exceeding by a fourth pairt, at best the whole forsaids bills and debts’.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 341v-342r.

2. Marginal note here: ‘And that with a considerable overplus exceeding by a fourth pairt, at best the whole forsaids bills and debts’.