Procedure, 9 November 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Nynth day of November Jaj vijc and [four] years



The Earle of Seafeild qualified himselfe as Secretary of State

Oath of Alleadgence sworn And the samen with the Assurance signed By James Earle of Seafeild As one of Her Majesties secretaries of state for this Kingdome Att Saint James’s the first day of November instant, In presence of John Marquis of Tweddale, Lord high Chancellor, and John Earle of Roxburgh on of her Majesties secretaries of state for this Kingdome Being read was ordered to be recorded and put up amongst oaths

Att Edinburgh the Nynth day of November Jaj vijc and [four] years



The Earle of Seafeild qualified himselfe as Secretary of State

Oath of Alleadgence sworn And the samen with the Assurance signed By James Earle of Seafeild As one of Her Majesties secretaries of state for this Kingdome Att Saint James’s the first day of November instant, In presence of John Marquis of Tweddale, Lord high Chancellor, and John Earle of Roxburgh on of her Majesties secretaries of state for this Kingdome Being read was ordered to be recorded and put up amongst oaths

1. NRS, PC1/53, 285.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 285.