Procedure: committee formed, 20 July 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Att Holyroodhouse the Twenty day of July Jaj vijc and Four years. Ante meridiem


Procedure: committee formed

Committee for Examining Sir George Maxwell

His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner, And Lords of Privie Councill, Doe heirby Nominat and Appoynt, The officers of state, The Marques of Annandale, and Duke of Argyle, To be a Committee; to call for Sir George Maxwell of Orchartoun, and examine him upon what their Lordships think necessary for discovering ill practices and designes against the Government And Recommends to the said Committee to meet this day in the Councill Chamber at five of the Clock in the affternoon, And Declares any three a Quorum, And to report.

Att Holyroodhouse the Twenty day of July Jaj vijc and Four years. Ante meridiem


Procedure: committee formed

Committee for Examining Sir George Maxwell

His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner, And Lords of Privie Councill, Doe heirby Nominat and Appoynt, The officers of state, The Marques of Annandale, and Duke of Argyle, To be a Committee; to call for Sir George Maxwell of Orchartoun, and examine him upon what their Lordships think necessary for discovering ill practices and designes against the Government And Recommends to the said Committee to meet this day in the Councill Chamber at five of the Clock in the affternoon, And Declares any three a Quorum, And to report.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 261.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 261.