Att Edinburgh the fourthteen day of December Jaj vijc and four years
Proclamation Anent Recruits and Vagabonds
Proclamation anent Recruits vagabouns strong and Idle Beggars Being read was voted approven signed ordered to be recorded published and printed Whereof the tennor followes.
Ann By the Grace of God Queen of Great Brittain France and Ireland Defender of the faith To our Lovits […] Macers of our privie Councill Messengers at arms Our sherriffs in that pairt Conjunctlie and seaverallie speciallie Constitute Greetting Forasmuchas By reason of the great action this year in Germany and elswhere In which it hath pleased God to bless our arms with signal success and victory our Army is therby much lessened soe that there are considerable numbers of men wanting to recruit our Scots Regiments abroad of whose valour and behaviour We have had very satisfying accompts. And it being boeth for the honour of this our ancient Kingdome, and necessary for our service, that our saids Regiments be timely and fully recruited: We have thought fitt by a Letter under our Royall hand To authorize and requyre The Lords of our privie Councill that they give all due encuragement2 and assistance to our officers of these Regiments, and to emit a proclamation in our name for the more orderly and effectuall makeing up of the saids recruits; Therefore We with advice of the Lords of our privie Councill, allow the saids officers and each of them, every where within this our ancient Kingdome, To beat drums, and to take all such other methods for Levying men to recruit the saids Regiments as shall be consistent with Law. And we with advice forsaid Require and Command All sherriffs and there Deputs, Lords of Regality and there Baillies, Justices of peace Magistrats of our Royall burghs and other Magistrats whatsomever, Commanders of our Castles and forts, officers of our standing forces, and all others our good subjects to give there best assistance in this matter, With power to the saids officers, To seize and apprehend all deserters from any of the saids Regiments serving abroad since our accession to the Croun, in order to their being tryed before the Committee of Councill or any Judge ordinary and found to be such; And we with advice forsaid Appoint and ordaine that noe pass be sustained for any souldier from our forces in Flanders or out of this Kingdome unless the samen be subscryved the Collonell or the commanding officer of the Regiment for the time to which he belonged; Dischargeing heirby all persons whatsomever, to reset intertain or conceall any deserters who have run away from the saids Regiments how far the Acts of parliament and Laws of the Kingdome doe allow. And for preventing any abuses that may happen in makeing up the saids recruits Doe heirby Appoint and ordaine that non of the saids officers take on or press any of the free Leedges to be a souldier unless the man be taken on by aggreement with his oun consent, in presence of a Magistrat. And to the effect that all Complaints of abuses or disorders anent makeing up of the saids Recruits may be tried and Judged, The Lords of our privie Council have appointed certain of their oun number and any two of them as a quorum, To meet each day at Eleven in the foirnoon or three of the Clock in the afternoon at the Committee room in the Councills Chamber And there to hear and give there orders and determine such Complaints as shall come before them. And Lastly We with advice forsaid ratifie and approve all former Acts and Proclamations made anent recruits or deserters Except in so far as the samen are innovat by the acts of parliament made thereanent or altered heirby and ordains the Magistrats above named to affoord the use of the prisons of any Burgh within this Kingdome to the saids officers, or any haveing there warrand for Detaining and keeping the persons so to be levyied and taken on as recruits untill they shall be transported to the saids Regiments serving abroad The saids persons being alwayes secured and intertained on their oun proper Charges and Expensses And prohibets and discharges all disorders and abuses to be committed in levying or securing as above; But that the saids officers or any haveing their warrand so detaining and keeping the persons so to be levied and taken on as recruits untill they shall be transported, and others imployed by them doe keep them selves within the bounds our Law prescribes. Our Will is Herefore And we charge yow strictly and Command That in continent thir our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat cross of Edinburgh and remanent mercat crosses of the head burghs of the several shyres and steuartries within this our Kingdome And there in our name and authority by open proclamation make Intimation hereof that non may pretend ignorance And ordains our solicitors to transmitt printed Coppies hereof to the Sherriffs of the several shyres of this Kingdome to be sent by them to the Ministers of the severall paroches within there respective shyres. And appoints the Ministers of the paroches to cause intimat these proclamations in there paroch Churches where there are ministers immediately at the disolution of the Congregation, and that either from the pulpit or at the Church doors. And ordains these presents to be printed and published. Given under our signet Att Edinburgh the Fourthteen day of December And of our Rigne the fourth year 1704.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 314-16.
2. The word ‘to’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 314-16.
2. The word ‘to’ scored out here.