Proclamation, 17 March 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Seventeenth day of [March] Jaj vjc and four years



Proclamation Against preists and traffecquing papists

Proclamation againest preists and Trafecquing papists Being read the same was votted approven signed and ordained to be published printed and Recorded Wherof the tennor followes.
Anne By the Grace of God Queen of Great Breitan France and Ireland Defender of the faith To our Lyon King at arm’s and his Breithren Heraulds, Macers of our privy Councill pursevants, Messengers at arm’s Our Sheirriffs in that pairt Conjunctlie and severallie specially Constitute Greeting Forasmuchas Wee understand by Complaint’s and Informationes from severall pairts of the Kingdome and by ane address made to us with a particular Condeshendance given into our privy Councill by the late Generall Assembly That seminary preists, Jesuits, and other trafecquing papist’s cease not to Infeft the Kingdome with their Corrupt Doctrine and supersticious and treacherous practices to the prejudice of the trew protestant Religion the Intrest of our Government and the pace and quiet of the Kingdome Therefore Wee with advyce of our privy Councill Have thought fit to requyre and Chairge Lykeas we heirby strictly Chairge and Command All Sherriffs, steuarts, Lords of Regality and their Deputs and Baillies, and all other Baillies whatsomever, with all other Magistrat’s officers of the Law, and Justices of pace either to Burgh or Landward that they put all laws and acts of parliament made againest the saids preists, Jesuits and trafecquing papists As also againest their Resetters and all sayers and hearers of Mass To Exact and dilligent Execution and that without Exception As lykewayes that they give concurrance whatsomever Requyred with all dilligence for seazing and apprehending The said priests Jesuits and Trafecquing papist’s as also for Discovering and seazing of all Mass meetings As Lykewayes that they give all due assistance and Concurrance for finding out and trying and punishing of the forsaid resetters and sayers or hearers of Mass To Exact and dilligent Execution as they will be answerable Certefeing any of the said Shirriffs and others our officers of the Law and Justices of pace above mentioned That if they shall refuise or neglect their duty in the premisses They shall be therfor conveened befoir our privy Councill and punished as Malversers according to their demerit And for the more effectuall discovery and riding the Kingdome of all the forsaids preist’s and Jesuits and trafficquing papist’s Wee with advice forsaid Doe heirby assure That whosoever shall discover and seize any preist Jesuit or Trafficking papist or their Resetters so as they shall be Convicted upon certificat of the said seizure and Conviction They shall have the soume of Five Hundereth merks over and above their Expensses for their reward Conforme to the Act of parliament 1700, Entituled Act for preventing the growth of popery And we doe farder Recomend it to the Lords of our Threasaury and the Lords of Session and all others concerned that they be cairfull To have the forsaid reward punctually payed according to the true intent and meaning of that Act And more effectuall Executing of the Acts of parliament againest papists and for the Education of their Children specially the forsaid Act 1700; Annent Conveyances and Succession’s to or by papist’s Therfore according to the former Laws and Acts of parliament made in that behalfe Wee with advyce forsaid Doe heirby Requyre and Command all Ministers of the Gospell within this Kingdome That they with all dilligence within their respective Chairges and paroches Take up the name’s of all person’s al’s well women as men suspected to be papists and more particularly of all suspected To have made appostacie from the trew religion to popery as also of all Children of popish parents and of their condition and nearer protestant relationes and that they sett doun a list of their names and Designationes and places of their Residence in particular Catalogues to be made for that effect Which Lists and Catalogues are to be by them given in under their hand to the respective presbitries Betuixt and the fyfteen day of May nixt to come To the effect the forsaids presbitries may as they are heirby ordained to record the same in their Books and also transmitt authentick doubles therof under the subscriptions of their respective moderators and Clerks, To the Clerks of privy Councill and that betuixt and the Fyfteen day of June nixt to come To the effect that we and our said privy Councill may ordaine such farder proceeding’s thereupon as are by Law appointed And we doe heirby againe Requyre and Command all and every on concerned in the premisses that they be dilligent to obey and observe the same as they expect our Royall favour and protectioen and under all highest pain That may insue againest the Neglector’s or Transgressor Our Will is Herefore And we Chairge yow strictly and Command, That in Continent thir our Letters seen ye pass to the Mercat cross of Edinburgh and to the mercat Crosses of the head burghs of the respective shyr’s and steuartries within this our antient Kingdome And thereat in our name and authoritie make publication hereof that non may pretend Ignorance And ordains thir presents to be printed and our solicitors to transmitt Copies hereof to the respective Shyres and stewartries within this Kingdome for publicatione as said is Given under our Signet Att Edinburgh The seventeen day of March And of our Rigne the Thrid year 1704.

Edinburgh The Seventeenth day of [March] Jaj vjc and four years



Proclamation Against preists and traffecquing papists

Proclamation againest preists and Trafecquing papists Being read the same was votted approven signed and ordained to be published printed and Recorded Wherof the tennor followes.
Anne By the Grace of God Queen of Great Breitan France and Ireland Defender of the faith To our Lyon King at arm’s and his Breithren Heraulds, Macers of our privy Councill pursevants, Messengers at arm’s Our Sheirriffs in that pairt Conjunctlie and severallie specially Constitute Greeting Forasmuchas Wee understand by Complaint’s and Informationes from severall pairts of the Kingdome and by ane address made to us with a particular Condeshendance given into our privy Councill by the late Generall Assembly That seminary preists, Jesuits, and other trafecquing papist’s cease not to Infeft the Kingdome with their Corrupt Doctrine and supersticious and treacherous practices to the prejudice of the trew protestant Religion the Intrest of our Government and the pace and quiet of the Kingdome Therefore Wee with advyce of our privy Councill Have thought fit to requyre and Chairge Lykeas we heirby strictly Chairge and Command All Sherriffs, steuarts, Lords of Regality and their Deputs and Baillies, and all other Baillies whatsomever, with all other Magistrat’s officers of the Law, and Justices of pace either to Burgh or Landward that they put all laws and acts of parliament made againest the saids preists, Jesuits and trafecquing papists As also againest their Resetters and all sayers and hearers of Mass To Exact and dilligent Execution and that without Exception As lykewayes that they give concurrance whatsomever Requyred with all dilligence for seazing and apprehending The said priests Jesuits and Trafecquing papist’s as also for Discovering and seazing of all Mass meetings As Lykewayes that they give all due assistance and Concurrance for finding out and trying and punishing of the forsaid resetters and sayers or hearers of Mass To Exact and dilligent Execution as they will be answerable Certefeing any of the said Shirriffs and others our officers of the Law and Justices of pace above mentioned That if they shall refuise or neglect their duty in the premisses They shall be therfor conveened befoir our privy Councill and punished as Malversers according to their demerit And for the more effectuall discovery and riding the Kingdome of all the forsaids preist’s and Jesuits and trafficquing papist’s Wee with advice forsaid Doe heirby assure That whosoever shall discover and seize any preist Jesuit or Trafficking papist or their Resetters so as they shall be Convicted upon certificat of the said seizure and Conviction They shall have the soume of Five Hundereth merks over and above their Expensses for their reward Conforme to the Act of parliament 1700, Entituled Act for preventing the growth of popery And we doe farder Recomend it to the Lords of our Threasaury and the Lords of Session and all others concerned that they be cairfull To have the forsaid reward punctually payed according to the true intent and meaning of that Act And more effectuall Executing of the Acts of parliament againest papists and for the Education of their Children specially the forsaid Act 1700; Annent Conveyances and Succession’s to or by papist’s Therfore according to the former Laws and Acts of parliament made in that behalfe Wee with advyce forsaid Doe heirby Requyre and Command all Ministers of the Gospell within this Kingdome That they with all dilligence within their respective Chairges and paroches Take up the name’s of all person’s al’s well women as men suspected to be papists and more particularly of all suspected To have made appostacie from the trew religion to popery as also of all Children of popish parents and of their condition and nearer protestant relationes and that they sett doun a list of their names and Designationes and places of their Residence in particular Catalogues to be made for that effect Which Lists and Catalogues are to be by them given in under their hand to the respective presbitries Betuixt and the fyfteen day of May nixt to come To the effect the forsaids presbitries may as they are heirby ordained to record the same in their Books and also transmitt authentick doubles therof under the subscriptions of their respective moderators and Clerks, To the Clerks of privy Councill and that betuixt and the Fyfteen day of June nixt to come To the effect that we and our said privy Councill may ordaine such farder proceeding’s thereupon as are by Law appointed And we doe heirby againe Requyre and Command all and every on concerned in the premisses that they be dilligent to obey and observe the same as they expect our Royall favour and protectioen and under all highest pain That may insue againest the Neglector’s or Transgressor Our Will is Herefore And we Chairge yow strictly and Command, That in Continent thir our Letters seen ye pass to the Mercat cross of Edinburgh and to the mercat Crosses of the head burghs of the respective shyr’s and steuartries within this our antient Kingdome And thereat in our name and authoritie make publication hereof that non may pretend Ignorance And ordains thir presents to be printed and our solicitors to transmitt Copies hereof to the respective Shyres and stewartries within this Kingdome for publicatione as said is Given under our Signet Att Edinburgh The seventeen day of March And of our Rigne the Thrid year 1704.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 193-5.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 193-5.