Proclamation, 26 February 1704 (pm), Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Tuenty Sixth day of February Jaj vijc and four years Post meridiem



Proclamation for apprehending Captain John Morray

Proclamation for apprehending Captain John Morray son to Abercairney Being prepared Was read approven and signed, and ordered to be published and Recorded which was this day done accordingly Wherof the tennor followes
Anne By the Grace of God Queen of Great Breitain France and Ireland Defender of the faith To our Lyon King at arms and his Breithren Heraulds, Macers of our privy Councill pursevants Messengers at arm’s our shirriffs in that pairt Conjunctly and severallie speciallie constitut Greeting Forasmuchas By some discoveries lately made of the evill designes that wer carying on by Emisaries from France to the prejudice of us and our Government Wee understand That Captain John Morray sone to the Laird of Abercairnie was deeply concerned with others in the saids Treasonable practices and that that2 he is absconded and may be lurking within this Kingdome Therfor Wee with advyce of the Lords of our privy Councill Doe heirby strictly requyre All Magistrats, officers, and Shouldiers, and our haill other Leidges to doe their outmost endevour and dilligence To apprehend the said Captain John Morray and Committ him prisoner to the nixt sure prison and make report of his being apprehended to the Lords of our privy Councill And we heirby indemnifie any person from the hazerd of Mutilation, slaughter, or any other acts of violence which they may commit againest the said John Morray or any persones with him in caice of Resistance made by him or them in apprehending of him And Declaires the apprehenders free from any punishment they might be obnoxious to for the Causes forsaid And for the further incuragement of all our Leiges to this service Wee with advyce of the Lords of our privy Councill Doe promise and assure The soume of Five Hundered pound sterling to be payed as a Reward By the Lords of our Treasaurie immediately to such person or persones who shall take and apprehend the said Captain John Morray and Committ him to the nixt sure prison and report the same as above Dischairging heirby any of our Leiges To shelter, harbour or any wayes assisst or supply the said Captain John Morray upon their highest perrill Our Will is Herefore And we chairge yow strictly and Command That in continent thir our Letters seen ye pass To the mercat cross of Edinburgh and to the remanent mercat crosses of the head burghs of the seaverall shyres and Steuartries within this our antient Kingdom And there in our name and authority make publict intimation hereof That non may pretend ignorance And ordains these presents to be printed and published Given under our signet att Edinburgh the Tuenty sixth day of February and of our Rigne the second year 1704.

Edinburgh The Tuenty Sixth day of February Jaj vijc and four years Post meridiem



Proclamation for apprehending Captain John Morray

Proclamation for apprehending Captain John Morray son to Abercairney Being prepared Was read approven and signed, and ordered to be published and Recorded which was this day done accordingly Wherof the tennor followes
Anne By the Grace of God Queen of Great Breitain France and Ireland Defender of the faith To our Lyon King at arms and his Breithren Heraulds, Macers of our privy Councill pursevants Messengers at arm’s our shirriffs in that pairt Conjunctly and severallie speciallie constitut Greeting Forasmuchas By some discoveries lately made of the evill designes that wer carying on by Emisaries from France to the prejudice of us and our Government Wee understand That Captain John Morray sone to the Laird of Abercairnie was deeply concerned with others in the saids Treasonable practices and that that2 he is absconded and may be lurking within this Kingdome Therfor Wee with advyce of the Lords of our privy Councill Doe heirby strictly requyre All Magistrats, officers, and Shouldiers, and our haill other Leidges to doe their outmost endevour and dilligence To apprehend the said Captain John Morray and Committ him prisoner to the nixt sure prison and make report of his being apprehended to the Lords of our privy Councill And we heirby indemnifie any person from the hazerd of Mutilation, slaughter, or any other acts of violence which they may commit againest the said John Morray or any persones with him in caice of Resistance made by him or them in apprehending of him And Declaires the apprehenders free from any punishment they might be obnoxious to for the Causes forsaid And for the further incuragement of all our Leiges to this service Wee with advyce of the Lords of our privy Councill Doe promise and assure The soume of Five Hundered pound sterling to be payed as a Reward By the Lords of our Treasaurie immediately to such person or persones who shall take and apprehend the said Captain John Morray and Committ him to the nixt sure prison and report the same as above Dischairging heirby any of our Leiges To shelter, harbour or any wayes assisst or supply the said Captain John Morray upon their highest perrill Our Will is Herefore And we chairge yow strictly and Command That in continent thir our Letters seen ye pass To the mercat cross of Edinburgh and to the remanent mercat crosses of the head burghs of the seaverall shyres and Steuartries within this our antient Kingdom And there in our name and authority make publict intimation hereof That non may pretend ignorance And ordains these presents to be printed and published Given under our signet att Edinburgh the Tuenty sixth day of February and of our Rigne the second year 1704.

2. Sic.

2. Sic.