Edinburgh The Tenth off February One Thousand seven Hundereth and four years
Warrand to the Clerks of Councill to give David Baillie Doubles of his Interogattors etc
The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing called befoir them David Baillie prisoner, And haveing Read over to him the Interrogattors marked by the Earle off Marr president for the tyme and he being requyred to make answer therto in wrytting Refused to doe the samen And therafter the samen Being read to him Each Interrogator separatly gave the answers therto ut in scriptis and as marked by the president of the Councill for the tyme In regaird Baillie Refused to signe the samen which they thought not satisfactory Wherfore The saids Lords ordained their Macers to carry him back to closs prison And appoints and ordaines The Clerks of Councill To Delyver to him ane Double off the saids Interrogators Togither with the Three sheet off paper all marked with the Lord Advocats mark and allowed the said Baillie pen and Ink That soe he may make his answers to the above Queries and Interrogators in wrytting when nixt Called.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 147.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 147.