At Holyroodhouse the Thretty day of August Jaj vijc and four years
Warrand for ane Thanksgiveing day
Anent the address given in and presented To His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner, And the Lords of Her Majesties most honourable privie Councill By the Ministers and ruling Elders members of the Commission of the Generall Assembly Shewing That the petitioners considering Notwithstanding of their manyfold and hainous provocations; Yet God hath blessed this Church and Nation, with great and manyfold mercies, And particularly of late, in the success granted to the forces of Her Majestie, and Allies, by sea and Land, and that glorious and wonderfull work of God, in the Victories over the French and Bavarian army: Doe find it our duty to invite and exhort people of all ranks in this Church and Kingdome, To solemn praise and Thanksgiveing for these and all his mercies: And to poure out frequent prayers to God, through Jesus Christ, And that he would grant Grace to all concerned to make aright improvement of soe great blessings, That our sins may not provock God to change his way, But that being led by the Goodness of God to repentance, We may obtain pardon of our former sins, and continuance and encrease of his favours towards us. That God may long preserve and eminently bless Her Majesties person and Government, and direct and guide her Councills Continue to prosper her Forces by sea and Land, with these of Her allies for breaking and bringing doun, the power of the French King, till he be noe more able to oppress, And that God would be gracious to his reformed Churches, Continue the Gospell in Brittain and Ireland, and bless it with success, and that there may be allwayes one to sitt upon the thron over us, Who may be a nursing father or Mother to the Church. And therefore Craveing to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition Bears. His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner, And the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing considered the petition Given into them By the Commission of the Generall assembly: And the samen being read in there presence The saids Lords Appoints ane Proclamation for a publict Thanksgiveing throw the whole Kingdome To be keept upon the first Thursday of October next, In the termes of and for the reasons Contained in the said petition And the said Proclamation being prepared The samen were read and ordered to be recorded published and printed.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 270.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 270.