Att Edinburgh the fourth day of September Jaj vijc and four years
Warrand anent transporting the French prisoners to New Castle
The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Appoint and Ordaine the haill French prisoners That are lying in the Tolbooths of Edinburgh, Cannogate, and Leith, (Except Jacobus Soetenay and Gerardt Druive and Jacob Strobbie his two men (who are appointed to continue in prison) To be shipped aboard of Archibald Drummond his shipe lying at Leith to be by him carried to Newcastle And for that effect Appoints and Ordains The Magistrats of Edinburgh, Cannongate, and Leith, and keepers of their Tolbooths, To delyver the persons of the haill French prisoners in their Custodie and Tolbooths (Except the said Jacobus Soetenary and Gerard Druive and Jacob Strobbe his said two men) To ane party duely Commanded To be sent by the Livetennent Generall to receave them off their hands and put them aboard of the said shipe, and that without payment of any house dews, And to the effect forsaid Recommends to Livetennent Generall George Ramsay Commander in Cheiff of ther Majesties forces to send upon the Eight day of September Instant at Eight of the Clock in the morning to the respective Tolbooths of Edinburgh, Cannongate and Leith, ane sufficient and compitent number of men Duely Commanded To receave from the saids Magistrats and keepers of their Tolbooths, The persons of the haill French prisoners in their custodie (Except the said Captain and his said two men) And carry them to Leith, and shipp them aboard of Archibald Drummonds shipe to be transported to New Castle as said is.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 273-4.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 273-4.