Act, 1 December 1702, Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 1st December 1702



Act Infavours off The Toun Councill off Coupar

Annent The Petition given in and presented to the Lords off Her Majesties privie Councill By Baillie Joseph Knox Patrick Bruce of Bunzien Patrick Cramby and the rest of the Toun Councill of the burgh of Coupar Shewing That the petitioners Being cited befoir their Lordships at the instance of James Bethune Doctor of medicine to a day now long since Bygone in two seaverall processes The petitioners not only attended the saids dayes But have since attended all the dyetts of Councill and was specially advertised By her Majesties Advocat To attend upon Tuesday last Which the petitioners did As also upon Thursday last and all this attendance occasioning Extraordinary Chairges and Expence to the petitioners and prejudice to their oun particular affairs As also to the publict affaires of the Burgh Ther not being a sufficient quorum off the Toun Councill remaining behind in the toun manadgement off the affaires therof The Petitioners wer obleidged to return home The proces being neither Called Tuesday nor Thursday last as they wer made to Expect Wherfor the petitioners have good reason to think that their returning home upon all the considerationes befoir mentioned will be noewayes repute Contumacious But that ther Lordships will not proceed in the saids Lybles untill the petitioners be Cited of new And Therfor Creaving ther Lordships to Excuse the petitioners absence after long and Chairgable attendance and Fynd that the persuar cannot insist till the petitioner be citted de novo That they may be put to nor furder trouble and Chairges by reason of uncertain dyetts as the said petition bears The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing considered the above petition given into them By Baillie Joseph Knox in Coupar and others They Recomended to Her Majesties Advocat To wrytt to the petitioners and accquaint them That the Lybells at the instance off Doctor Bethune againest the petitioners will be called upon Tuesday nixt being the Eight instant peremptorie.

Edinburgh the 1st December 1702



Act Infavours off The Toun Councill off Coupar

Annent The Petition given in and presented to the Lords off Her Majesties privie Councill By Baillie Joseph Knox Patrick Bruce of Bunzien Patrick Cramby and the rest of the Toun Councill of the burgh of Coupar Shewing That the petitioners Being cited befoir their Lordships at the instance of James Bethune Doctor of medicine to a day now long since Bygone in two seaverall processes The petitioners not only attended the saids dayes But have since attended all the dyetts of Councill and was specially advertised By her Majesties Advocat To attend upon Tuesday last Which the petitioners did As also upon Thursday last and all this attendance occasioning Extraordinary Chairges and Expence to the petitioners and prejudice to their oun particular affairs As also to the publict affaires of the Burgh Ther not being a sufficient quorum off the Toun Councill remaining behind in the toun manadgement off the affaires therof The Petitioners wer obleidged to return home The proces being neither Called Tuesday nor Thursday last as they wer made to Expect Wherfor the petitioners have good reason to think that their returning home upon all the considerationes befoir mentioned will be noewayes repute Contumacious But that ther Lordships will not proceed in the saids Lybles untill the petitioners be Cited of new And Therfor Creaving ther Lordships to Excuse the petitioners absence after long and Chairgable attendance and Fynd that the persuar cannot insist till the petitioner be citted de novo That they may be put to nor furder trouble and Chairges by reason of uncertain dyetts as the said petition bears The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing considered the above petition given into them By Baillie Joseph Knox in Coupar and others They Recomended to Her Majesties Advocat To wrytt to the petitioners and accquaint them That the Lybells at the instance off Doctor Bethune againest the petitioners will be called upon Tuesday nixt being the Eight instant peremptorie.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 229v-230r.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 229v-230r.