Att Edinburgh The Fourteinth day of August Jaj viic and two years. Called Extraordinary
Letter: royal
2Letter from the Queen To the Councill for desolveing this Current parliament
Letter from the Queen to the Councill for desolveing this present Current parliament Read and ordered to be Recorded wherof the tenor followes
Sic Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Right trustie and right well beloved Cousin and Councillor Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trustie and well beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trusty and well beloved Councillors and trusty and weell beloved Councillors; Wee greet yow well; Wheras Our Current parliament of that our ancient kingdome Stands adjourned to the Eighteinth day of this instant And wee haveing thought fitt for diverse Important and weightie Considerationes to put ane end to it by the disolution therof Wee Doe therfore hereby Disolve our said parliament and Declaire the Same to be Dissolved, And it is our Royall Will and pleasure that Yow Issue furth a proclamatione in owr name and by owr Authoritie Dissolveing our said Cwrrent parliament in the ordinary fame and methode observed In such caices and you are to Cause the Said proclamatione to be published at the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and all places needfull and wee Considering that Wee are Engadged att present in a Most Just and Necessar Warr against France and Spaine; and that by acts past in the parliaments both of Scotland and England; Wee are Impowered and doe intend furth with to Nominat Commissioners to treat of ane union between these our kingdomes and of other things matters and Causes relateing therto Conforme to the tenors of the said acts The Conclusion of which Union to be established and ratified in both parliaments will undoubtedly conduce to the Safety peace and wellfare of both Kingdomes For which causes; and that wee Judge it necessary ther Should be a parliament in being that may meett when wee find the occasion of that our kingdome Shall requyre it; And So Soon as the Circumstances of our affairs will admitt Wee have thought fitt to Signifie to yow That wee are Resolved Speedily to induct a new parliament And this our Royall intention yow are to publish and make knowen to our good Subjects for doeing of all which this shall be your warrant; And So wee bid yow heartily farewell, Given at our Court at Windsour Castle the Eight day of August 1702 and of our Reign the first year. By her Majesties Command, Sic Subscribitur Seafeild.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 437-8.
2. The letters ‘Proc’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 437-8.
2. The letters ‘Proc’ scored out here.