Act, 8 September 1702, Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 8th of September 1702



Act Infavours of the Earle of Marr

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill by John Earle of Mar Shewing That where the petitioner stands publictly infest in the whole Earledoom of Mar upon severall Adjudications and other Rights standing in his person and alse that most of the Creditors upon the Estate have granted a Commission and factory to him for uplifting and manageing the rents therof for his oune and their behove And the petitioner knowing that the wryts and evidents in the Chartar house of Alloa haveing lyen so many years in a laugh vault Immediately off the ground without aither fyre or Light that if soon speedy course were not taken to prevent it they would be in great hazard of perishing which would be ane Irrepairable loss to the petitioner and other Creditors And alse considering that there might be severall of the saids wrytts absolutly necessar in processes purswed aither for or against them And therfore Craveing to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by John Earle of Mar They Doe heirby Grant warrand Commission to Mr George Erskine Baillie Deput of the Regality of Alloa and Mr Henry Chrystie Comisary deput of Dumblane To Receave the keyes of the said Chartorhouse of Alloa from Mary Countes of Mar The petitioner Mother and upon Recept therof to make a full Inventar of the wryts and evidents therincontained And to Deliver the same with the keyes to the said petitioner to the effect forsaid.

Edinburgh the 8th of September 1702



Act Infavours of the Earle of Marr

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill by John Earle of Mar Shewing That where the petitioner stands publictly infest in the whole Earledoom of Mar upon severall Adjudications and other Rights standing in his person and alse that most of the Creditors upon the Estate have granted a Commission and factory to him for uplifting and manageing the rents therof for his oune and their behove And the petitioner knowing that the wryts and evidents in the Chartar house of Alloa haveing lyen so many years in a laugh vault Immediately off the ground without aither fyre or Light that if soon speedy course were not taken to prevent it they would be in great hazard of perishing which would be ane Irrepairable loss to the petitioner and other Creditors And alse considering that there might be severall of the saids wrytts absolutly necessar in processes purswed aither for or against them And therfore Craveing to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by John Earle of Mar They Doe heirby Grant warrand Commission to Mr George Erskine Baillie Deput of the Regality of Alloa and Mr Henry Chrystie Comisary deput of Dumblane To Receave the keyes of the said Chartorhouse of Alloa from Mary Countes of Mar The petitioner Mother and upon Recept therof to make a full Inventar of the wryts and evidents therincontained And to Deliver the same with the keyes to the said petitioner to the effect forsaid.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 208v-209r.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 208v-209r.