Att Edinburgh the Eight day of August Jaj viic and two years
Proclamation anent the Pole
Proclamation anent the pole Read voted approven and Signed and ordered to be published and recorded wherof the tenor followes
Anne By the Grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith; To […] Out Lovits Heraulds, Macers of our privy Councill pursevants messengers at armes, our Shirriffs in that part Conjunctllie and Severallie Specially Constitute Greeting; Forasmuchas by acts of parliament Jaj vic Nyntie eight Imposeing two years pole Viz the first year to be payed the first of January then nixt in the year Jaj vic Nyntie Nyne in maner therin prescribed, and the second years pole for the year ensueing in the termes Specified in the saids acts It is therby Declared that no persones Lyable in payment of the said pole Shall be holden to produce their discharges or recepts of the same two years after the terme of payment; Which two years after the terme appointed for payment of the first pole Did run out the first of March Jaj vic and one and the other two years for payment of the said second pole did run out the first of March Jaj vic and two years Notwithstanding wherof the Tacksmen of the said poles and their said subtacksmen and Collectors and others haveing power from them presume Still to molest and vex our Leidges as Still Lyable for the saids poles; or at least oblidged to produce their discharges therof by pursueing them for the same without regaird to the forsaid provision in the saids acts; and that the two years therin mentioned be clearly elapsed as said is, to the great trouble and oppression of the whole Countrey; Therfore and for putting a Stop to the forsaid abuse, Wee with the advice of the Lords of our privy Councill Doe hereby expressly Discharge and prohibit the forsaid tacksmen Subtacksmen and their Collectors and all others haveing power from them, To pursue for hereafter, or insist in any pursuit already raised against any of her Majesties Leidges for the said two poles, or to use any dilligence upon any decreet recovered after elapseing of the said termes as said is in all time comeing; As also that no Judge or Magistrat within this kingdome Sustaine proces whither already Commenced or to be Comenced against any of our Leidges for the said two poles or either of them upon any pretence whatsomever Saveing only that wher decreets are duely recovered against any persone for aither of the saids poles before the expyreing of the saids two years respective dilligence may be used and proceed therupon as accords Certifieing the said Tacksmen Subtacksmen and others abovementioned As also the Saids Judges and Magistrates who shall offer to doe in the Contrary they shall be Lyable and may be proseeded against as oppressors Our Will is Herefore And we Charge yow Strictly and Command That incontinent thir our Letters Seen yee pass to the Marcat cross of Edinburgh and to the marcat Crosses of the remanent head burghes of the severall Shyres and Stewartries within this our ancient kingdome And ther in our name and authority make publict intimatione hereof and ordaines these presents to be printed that non may pretend Ignorance Sic Subscribitur.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 436-7.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 436-7.