Procedure: committee formed, 2 June 1702, Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The second day of June Jaj viic and two years


Procedure: committee formed

Commity to enquyre into the Grouth of popery

Sir James Stewart his Majesties advocat haveing Represented to her Majesties high Commissioner and the lords of her Majesties privy Councill; That ther were Severall reports and and2 lists sent to him by the Ministers of the Commission of the Generall assembly; That in the north and west Highlands and Islands there was a great grouth of popery and papists in these places; They hereby Nominat and appoint The Lord president of Councill The Marques of Annandale Lord privy Seal, Marques of Lothian; Earles of Seafeild Mar and Selkrig Lord Montgomry, Lord Advocat Lord Thesaurer depute Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Halcraig and Lord Crossrig; To be a Committie to consider the Severall Lists and reports and to enquyre into the grouth of popery in the North and west highlands And Recommends to them to meett the morow at thrie in the afternoon, And declares any thrie of them to be a Sufficient quorum.
Nota the advocat did not give in the reports but retained them in his oun hand.

Att Edinburgh The second day of June Jaj viic and two years


Procedure: committee formed

Commity to enquyre into the Grouth of popery

Sir James Stewart his Majesties advocat haveing Represented to her Majesties high Commissioner and the lords of her Majesties privy Councill; That ther were Severall reports and and2 lists sent to him by the Ministers of the Commission of the Generall assembly; That in the north and west Highlands and Islands there was a great grouth of popery and papists in these places; They hereby Nominat and appoint The Lord president of Councill The Marques of Annandale Lord privy Seal, Marques of Lothian; Earles of Seafeild Mar and Selkrig Lord Montgomry, Lord Advocat Lord Thesaurer depute Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Halcraig and Lord Crossrig; To be a Committie to consider the Severall Lists and reports and to enquyre into the grouth of popery in the North and west highlands And Recommends to them to meett the morow at thrie in the afternoon, And declares any thrie of them to be a Sufficient quorum.
Nota the advocat did not give in the reports but retained them in his oun hand.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 398.

2. Sic.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 398.

2. Sic.