Att Edinburgh 2d July 1702
Recommendation to the Thesaury in favours of the 3 Macers of Councill
Anent the petition Given in and presented to 2her 3 majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of her majesties most honourable privie Councill by the three macers of her majesties privie Counsell Showeing That where the petitioners being by office and duty obleidged, to attend the last session of parliament, wherethrough by the Sitting thereof the privie Councill exchequer and commission of plantation of Kirks and valuation of Teynds are Interupted, from which Judicatories whom they srve as macers, ther Casual Subsistance proceeds, and the saids Lords being in use to grant Recomendationes to the Lords Commissioners of Thesaurie in favors of the maccers of privie Councill for ther attandance dureing the parliament, Therefore Craveing to the effect after mentioned as the said petition beares, Her majesties High Commissioner and the Lords of her majesties privie Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them, by the three macers of her majesties most honoraball privie Councill They hereby Recomend the petitioners to the Lords Commissioners of her majesties Thesaurie for ther extraordinary pains and attandance dureing the last session of parliament,
1. NRS, PC2/28, 175r.
2. The letter ‘t’ scored out here.
3. The word ‘Lords’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 175r.
2. The letter ‘t’ scored out here.
3. The word ‘Lords’ scored out here.