Att Edinburgh The Thretteinth day of March Jaj viic and two years, Ante Meridiem
Proclamation by Queen Anne for Authorizeing all persones to act by vertue of their former Commissiones untill new ones Sent
Followes the Proclamation by Queen Anne, for Authorizeing and Continueing all Judges and officers and Civill and Military to act be vertue of their former Commissiones untill new ones were Sent.
Sic Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Anne by the Grace of God Queen of Scotland, England France and Ireland defender of the faith etc. To all and Sundrie our2 good Subjects whom these presents doe or may concerne Greeting Wheras It hath pleased God this day to call out of this Life; from the possession of ane Earthly diadam to the function of ane Eternall Crown of Glory; His late Majestie Our Royall and most dearly beloved brother King William; Wee have thought fitt to publish our Royall pleasure; That all our officers of State Privy Councillors; Magistrates and all other officers whatsomever both Civill and Military within our ancient Kingdome of Scotland, Do and they and every one of them respectively are hereby authorized and requyred to act in all things Conforme to the last Commissiones and instructions They had from his Said Late Majestie of Blessed Memory Untill New Commissiones from Us, can be prepaired and Sent down to them; And for their So doeing; This Shall be to them; and every one of them respectively a full Warrand, Given at our Court at St James’s The Eight day of March 1701/3 And of our Reigne the first year. By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Seafeild.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 363.
2. The word ‘Leidges’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 363.
2. The word ‘Leidges’ scored out here.