Letter: royal, 12 March 1702 (pm), Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

[12 March 1702] Eodem Die Post Meridiem


Letter: royal

Letter from the Queen to the Councill upon her Majesties accession to the Crown

Therafter the samen Letter from her Majestie being Read; the samen was ordered to be Recorded off the which letter the tenor followes.
Sic Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Right Trustie and Right well beloved Cousin and Councillor; Right trusty and intirely beloved Cousins and Councillors, Right trustie and right well beloved Cousins and Councillors; Right trusty and weell beloved Cousins and Councillors, Right trusty and well beloved Councillors and trusty and well beloved Councillors Wee greet yow well. Wheras it hath pleased the Almighty God this day to call out of this Life to the fruition of his Eternall Glory His late Majestie our Royall and most dearly beloved brother King William; Wherby the undoubted right to the Imperiall Crown of the kingdom of Scotland Conforme to the act of Setlement Is now devolved upon Us. And haveing Likewayes (after hearing redd the petition of right and grivances) Taken and Signed the Corronation Oath In presence of Severalls of our privy Councill whom wee Called togither for that end at our palace of St James’s, Have thought fitt to Authorize yow to continue to meet and in all things to act as our privy Councill of that our ancient Kingdome, In the Same maner to all intents and purposes as yow were intrusted by his Late Majestie of Glorious Memory Untill wee shall send yow a new Commission for that effect under our Royall hand; And wee Do also hereby authorize and requyre yow without any delay in the most proper methods; and with the due Solemnities to publish the inclosed proclamation in our name Ordaineing all our officers of State Councillors Magistrats and all other officers whatsoever both Civill and Military to act in all things Conforme to the last Commissions and instructiones That they hade from his said late Majestie untill New Commissiones can be prepaired and Sent down Signed by our Royall hand. And wee do on this occasion at our first accession to the Crown; Give yow and all our people full assurance of our firme resolution dureing the whole Course of our Reigne to protect them in their religion, Lawes and Liberties, and in the Established Government of the Church. And that wee will do every thing in our power that may conduce to their happines and prosperity; And as wee are resolved to Continue our favor to yow, So wee expect yow will also continue in the same Zeall in our Service which they have evidenced in that of our said most dear and Royall Brother deceased. For all which this shall be your Warrant And so wee bid yow heartily farewell, Given at our Court at St James’s the 8th day of March 1701/2 And of our Reign the first year. By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Seafeild.

[12 March 1702] Eodem Die Post Meridiem


Letter: royal

Letter from the Queen to the Councill upon her Majesties accession to the Crown

Therafter the samen Letter from her Majestie being Read; the samen was ordered to be Recorded off the which letter the tenor followes.
Sic Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Right Trustie and Right well beloved Cousin and Councillor; Right trusty and intirely beloved Cousins and Councillors, Right trustie and right well beloved Cousins and Councillors; Right trusty and weell beloved Cousins and Councillors, Right trusty and well beloved Councillors and trusty and well beloved Councillors Wee greet yow well. Wheras it hath pleased the Almighty God this day to call out of this Life to the fruition of his Eternall Glory His late Majestie our Royall and most dearly beloved brother King William; Wherby the undoubted right to the Imperiall Crown of the kingdom of Scotland Conforme to the act of Setlement Is now devolved upon Us. And haveing Likewayes (after hearing redd the petition of right and grivances) Taken and Signed the Corronation Oath In presence of Severalls of our privy Councill whom wee Called togither for that end at our palace of St James’s, Have thought fitt to Authorize yow to continue to meet and in all things to act as our privy Councill of that our ancient Kingdome, In the Same maner to all intents and purposes as yow were intrusted by his Late Majestie of Glorious Memory Untill wee shall send yow a new Commission for that effect under our Royall hand; And wee Do also hereby authorize and requyre yow without any delay in the most proper methods; and with the due Solemnities to publish the inclosed proclamation in our name Ordaineing all our officers of State Councillors Magistrats and all other officers whatsoever both Civill and Military to act in all things Conforme to the last Commissions and instructiones That they hade from his said late Majestie untill New Commissiones can be prepaired and Sent down Signed by our Royall hand. And wee do on this occasion at our first accession to the Crown; Give yow and all our people full assurance of our firme resolution dureing the whole Course of our Reigne to protect them in their religion, Lawes and Liberties, and in the Established Government of the Church. And that wee will do every thing in our power that may conduce to their happines and prosperity; And as wee are resolved to Continue our favor to yow, So wee expect yow will also continue in the same Zeall in our Service which they have evidenced in that of our said most dear and Royall Brother deceased. For all which this shall be your Warrant And so wee bid yow heartily farewell, Given at our Court at St James’s the 8th day of March 1701/2 And of our Reign the first year. By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Seafeild.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 356-7.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 356-7.