Procedure, 29 May 1702, Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Att Hollyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth of May Jaj viic and two years Called extraordinar



Annandale, Seafeild, Mar Morton, Eglington, Finlator and Hyndford qualifie themselves as Councillors

The Marques of Annandale, Earles of Seafeild Marr Mortone Eglingtoune Finlator and Hyndford being all present in Councill Did Swear the Oath of alledgance and Subscrybe the Samen with the assurance And the Lord Chancelor did administrat the Oath de fideli to all their Lordships.

Att Hollyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth of May Jaj viic and two years Called extraordinar



Annandale, Seafeild, Mar Morton, Eglington, Finlator and Hyndford qualifie themselves as Councillors

The Marques of Annandale, Earles of Seafeild Marr Mortone Eglingtoune Finlator and Hyndford being all present in Councill Did Swear the Oath of alledgance and Subscrybe the Samen with the assurance And the Lord Chancelor did administrat the Oath de fideli to all their Lordships.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 393.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 393.