Proclamation, 4 August 1702, Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fourth day of August Jaj viic and two years



Proclamation anent the Post-office

Proclamation anent the Post-office Read voted approven and Signed and ordered to be published and Recorded wherof the tenor follows.
Anne by the Grace of God Queen of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] Our Lovits Heraulds Macers of our privy Councill pursevants Messingers at armes Our Shirrifs in that part Conjunctllie and Severallie Specially Constitute Greeting: Forasmuchas a Complaint hath been made to our privy Councill by our post master Generall That the act of parliament past in the year Jaj vic Nyntie fyve; Entituled act anent the Post office Is not duely observed in the particulars Following viz The Comon Cariers and others wher post offices are erected and post setled doe presume to carie Letters besides such as relate to goods sent, or to be returned to them; And that postrunners have not ready passage As they ought to have at Ferries Specially at the Ferrie of Dundie As also that inferior Magistrates give not that Concurrance and assistance to the postmaster Generall and his deputes in errecting or Setleing of Letter or post offices; And for rendering the said act effectuall and putting the Same to due execution, as by the said act they are requyred; And Wheras by the said act our privy Councill is authorized and Impowered to take care that particular post offices be established Over all the kingdome at places most Convenient; And generally that the said act be punctually observed and execute; And all other things done to make the Same effectuall for the true end and intent therof Therfore Wee with advice of our Said privy Councill in prosecution and for better executeing the forsaid act Discharge and forbid all Comon Cariers and others (not noblemen or Gentlemens servants) To carie receive or delyver any Letters wher post offices are errected and posts setled Excepting Such Letters allenarly As Shall be directed with and doe relate to goods Sent or to be returned by the Said Cariers Declareing that the Said Comon Cariers and others when transgressing may be Challanged Sumarly for a present transgression and brought before any Magistrat or Justice of peace of the bounds and their at the instance of the said post master or his deputs to depone anent his Carieing Receiveing or delyvering any other Letters at that time, Then these above excepted as said is; and upon his Confession punished with the paines and penalties contained in the Said act He allwayes being Sumary dismissed within six hours; And furder Wee with advice forsaid Ordain and appoint That all post runners horss or foot have ready passage at all ferries at all times and Specially at the Ferry of Dundie wher they are to be answered and Served as said is; They paying when on foot and hyreing a boat six pence for their passage and boat hyre; and when with a horss then pence which is the Ordinary rate of Boat-hyres at the said Ferry Certifieing Such as Shall transgress that they shall be punished by the Magistrats and Justices of peace of the bounds As they Shall See cause conforme to the Said act of parliament Not exceeding twenty pounds Scots toties quoties And Requyreing the saids Magistrates and Justices of peace to punish them accordingly as they will be answerable Likewayes wee with advice forsaid Ordaine and Command all Shirriffs Stewarts, Baillies of Regalities or Royalties Magistrates of Burghes Royall, Justices of peace and all other Judges and Magistrats whatsomever alse weell in Burgh as Landwart to Concurr with and assist our Said post master Generall and his deputs in dischargeing of his trust And especially in2 the Establishing of particular post offices wher they may be most convenient; And that they suffer non to hinder or Imped them therin But punish all opposers as they will be answerable on their highest perrill Our Will is Heirfore and Wee Charge yow Strictly and Command That incontinent these our Letters Seen yee pass to the marcat Cross of Edinburgh and to the marcat crosses of the remanent head burghs of the severall Shyres and Stewartries Within this our ancient kingdome and therat in Our name and authority make intimation hereof And Ordaines these presents to be printed that non may pretend Ignorance Sic Subscribitur.3

Att Edinburgh The Fourth day of August Jaj viic and two years



Proclamation anent the Post-office

Proclamation anent the Post-office Read voted approven and Signed and ordered to be published and Recorded wherof the tenor follows.
Anne by the Grace of God Queen of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] Our Lovits Heraulds Macers of our privy Councill pursevants Messingers at armes Our Shirrifs in that part Conjunctllie and Severallie Specially Constitute Greeting: Forasmuchas a Complaint hath been made to our privy Councill by our post master Generall That the act of parliament past in the year Jaj vic Nyntie fyve; Entituled act anent the Post office Is not duely observed in the particulars Following viz The Comon Cariers and others wher post offices are erected and post setled doe presume to carie Letters besides such as relate to goods sent, or to be returned to them; And that postrunners have not ready passage As they ought to have at Ferries Specially at the Ferrie of Dundie As also that inferior Magistrates give not that Concurrance and assistance to the postmaster Generall and his deputes in errecting or Setleing of Letter or post offices; And for rendering the said act effectuall and putting the Same to due execution, as by the said act they are requyred; And Wheras by the said act our privy Councill is authorized and Impowered to take care that particular post offices be established Over all the kingdome at places most Convenient; And generally that the said act be punctually observed and execute; And all other things done to make the Same effectuall for the true end and intent therof Therfore Wee with advice of our Said privy Councill in prosecution and for better executeing the forsaid act Discharge and forbid all Comon Cariers and others (not noblemen or Gentlemens servants) To carie receive or delyver any Letters wher post offices are errected and posts setled Excepting Such Letters allenarly As Shall be directed with and doe relate to goods Sent or to be returned by the Said Cariers Declareing that the Said Comon Cariers and others when transgressing may be Challanged Sumarly for a present transgression and brought before any Magistrat or Justice of peace of the bounds and their at the instance of the said post master or his deputs to depone anent his Carieing Receiveing or delyvering any other Letters at that time, Then these above excepted as said is; and upon his Confession punished with the paines and penalties contained in the Said act He allwayes being Sumary dismissed within six hours; And furder Wee with advice forsaid Ordain and appoint That all post runners horss or foot have ready passage at all ferries at all times and Specially at the Ferry of Dundie wher they are to be answered and Served as said is; They paying when on foot and hyreing a boat six pence for their passage and boat hyre; and when with a horss then pence which is the Ordinary rate of Boat-hyres at the said Ferry Certifieing Such as Shall transgress that they shall be punished by the Magistrats and Justices of peace of the bounds As they Shall See cause conforme to the Said act of parliament Not exceeding twenty pounds Scots toties quoties And Requyreing the saids Magistrates and Justices of peace to punish them accordingly as they will be answerable Likewayes wee with advice forsaid Ordaine and Command all Shirriffs Stewarts, Baillies of Regalities or Royalties Magistrates of Burghes Royall, Justices of peace and all other Judges and Magistrats whatsomever alse weell in Burgh as Landwart to Concurr with and assist our Said post master Generall and his deputs in dischargeing of his trust And especially in2 the Establishing of particular post offices wher they may be most convenient; And that they suffer non to hinder or Imped them therin But punish all opposers as they will be answerable on their highest perrill Our Will is Heirfore and Wee Charge yow Strictly and Command That incontinent these our Letters Seen yee pass to the marcat Cross of Edinburgh and to the marcat crosses of the remanent head burghs of the severall Shyres and Stewartries Within this our ancient kingdome and therat in Our name and authority make intimation hereof And Ordaines these presents to be printed that non may pretend Ignorance Sic Subscribitur.3

1. NRS, PC1/52, 431-3.

2. Insertion.

3. A space has been left on this page that suggests subscribing councillors’ names were to be inserted.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 431-3.

2. Insertion.

3. A space has been left on this page that suggests subscribing councillors’ names were to be inserted.