Act, 10 November 1702, Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 10th November 1702



Act Infavours of William and John Irvings

Annent The Petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties Privie Councill By William Irving off Kirkcannell and John Irving off Orchyeard Shewing That wher By the Laws and Acts of Parliament of this Kingdome all Souldiers are to be quartered in Burghs royall Regalities or the most capable mercat Touns wher ther quartering shall be ordered yet trew it is and off verity That ther are nyne Dragouns belonging to Sir John Johnstoun off Wester Hall his Troup laid on upon a little Clachantoun called Ecclefecken which is one off the meanest places almost almost2 that is in the Steuartrie off Anandale And albeit it be a mercat Toun and hes a Fair or Two in the year Ther is non has the benefite therof Except his grace the Duik of Queensberrie his tennents The petitioners horses being excluded therefra Notwithstanding wherof and that the Petitioners hes little over a thrid off the said Toun And that all the rest belongs to his grace and others such is the unjustness off the cast made By Baillie Cairn thers brother to the Laird of Butterwhatt and Lawrence Knox messenger in Lakerbie That the Petitioners tennents hes sex off the nyne soe that they are most havylie and sadly opprest And seeing the said Toun of Ecclefechan is not Fit For quartering off souldiers ther being many within the said steuartrie Far more Capable such as Anan Lochmaben, Lockerbie, Mossie and others And that as to the Forsaid Toun wer lyable to be quartered upon as it is not The cast as said is, Is most unjust neither have they nor ther tennents any dependance theron And Therfor beeseeching ther Lordships To take the premisses to ther serious Consideration And grant warrand For ther removall Especiallie considering the said toun was never in use to quarter they being a number off poor people that are the Inhabitants and attour the Petitioners tennents to be redrest annent the unjustness off the cast made by the Forrnamed persones or others The only great Change house in the Toun Viz George Bells Haveing not on quartered upon And the Petitioners poor Indigent tennents and Cotters that keeps noe change Except on William Bell bears most pairt all the burden though not concerned And therfor creaving to the effect afftermentioned as the said petition bears3 The Lords off Her Majesties Privie Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given into them By William Irving off Kirkonnell and John Irving off Archyeard And the samen Being read in ther presence They Doe heirby Recommend To Major Generall George Ramsay Commander in Cheiff off Her Majesties Forces within this Kingdome to see the Petitioners Redressed annent the Cast made by Baillie Caruthers Brother to the Laird of Butterwhat and Laurence Knox messenger in Locharbie annent quartering off Fragouns within Ecclefechen and Recomends to the said Major Generall to see the samen orderly and equallie don.

Edinburgh the 10th November 1702



Act Infavours of William and John Irvings

Annent The Petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties Privie Councill By William Irving off Kirkcannell and John Irving off Orchyeard Shewing That wher By the Laws and Acts of Parliament of this Kingdome all Souldiers are to be quartered in Burghs royall Regalities or the most capable mercat Touns wher ther quartering shall be ordered yet trew it is and off verity That ther are nyne Dragouns belonging to Sir John Johnstoun off Wester Hall his Troup laid on upon a little Clachantoun called Ecclefecken which is one off the meanest places almost almost2 that is in the Steuartrie off Anandale And albeit it be a mercat Toun and hes a Fair or Two in the year Ther is non has the benefite therof Except his grace the Duik of Queensberrie his tennents The petitioners horses being excluded therefra Notwithstanding wherof and that the Petitioners hes little over a thrid off the said Toun And that all the rest belongs to his grace and others such is the unjustness off the cast made By Baillie Cairn thers brother to the Laird of Butterwhatt and Lawrence Knox messenger in Lakerbie That the Petitioners tennents hes sex off the nyne soe that they are most havylie and sadly opprest And seeing the said Toun of Ecclefechan is not Fit For quartering off souldiers ther being many within the said steuartrie Far more Capable such as Anan Lochmaben, Lockerbie, Mossie and others And that as to the Forsaid Toun wer lyable to be quartered upon as it is not The cast as said is, Is most unjust neither have they nor ther tennents any dependance theron And Therfor beeseeching ther Lordships To take the premisses to ther serious Consideration And grant warrand For ther removall Especiallie considering the said toun was never in use to quarter they being a number off poor people that are the Inhabitants and attour the Petitioners tennents to be redrest annent the unjustness off the cast made by the Forrnamed persones or others The only great Change house in the Toun Viz George Bells Haveing not on quartered upon And the Petitioners poor Indigent tennents and Cotters that keeps noe change Except on William Bell bears most pairt all the burden though not concerned And therfor creaving to the effect afftermentioned as the said petition bears3 The Lords off Her Majesties Privie Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given into them By William Irving off Kirkonnell and John Irving off Archyeard And the samen Being read in ther presence They Doe heirby Recommend To Major Generall George Ramsay Commander in Cheiff off Her Majesties Forces within this Kingdome to see the Petitioners Redressed annent the Cast made by Baillie Caruthers Brother to the Laird of Butterwhat and Laurence Knox messenger in Locharbie annent quartering off Fragouns within Ecclefechen and Recomends to the said Major Generall to see the samen orderly and equallie don.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 211v-212r.

2. Sic.

3. The words ‘And therfor creaving to the effect afftermentioned as the said petition bears’ are an insertion

1. NRS, PC2/28, 211v-212r.

2. Sic.

3. The words ‘And therfor creaving to the effect afftermentioned as the said petition bears’ are an insertion