Edinburgh the 25th September 1702
Act Infavours of Alexander Broun
Annent The Petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By Alexander Broun merchant in Edinburgh Shewing That the petitioner Haveing purchased the ruinous pairts of the East and off the lucking booths and haveing obtained Judge and warrant from the Dean of Gild Court and Lykewayes ane Act and ordinance from the Magistrats and Toun Councill of Edinburgh For Rebuilding of the saids reuinous Tenements in manner therin mentioned Ther was a petition presented to the saids Lords at the Instance of John Cunynghame, Patrick Home and Mungo Buchannan wrytters to the signet For stoping the said building And now the said Petitioner Haveing purchased there Intrest, and procured there consent, For carrying on the said building as the samen herewith produced will testifie And the petitioner haveing conduced and aggreed with work men and provyded all materialls necessar For perfytteing the said building befoir November nixt That to the street may be void and red and sitting doun off the session It is necessar That the stope formerly made by their Lordships be taken off And lykewayes that the Judge and warrant granted by the Dean of Gild and Act of the Toun Councill in The Petitioners favours therannent be Ratified That he be noe furder trouble at the Instance of any persone in carrying on and compleating the said building And therfor Creaving to the effect afftermentioned As the said petition Bears The Lords of her Majesties Privie Councill Haveing considered the above petition given into them by Alexander Broun merchant in Edinburgh They heirby take off and Dischairges any stop made or given by ther Lordships To the building off the East end of the Luckenbooths As Being the Petitioners property And allowes the petitioner To carry on his building there Conforme to the Dean of Gilds Jedge, warrand and act of the Toun Councill past in the petitioners favours theranent And Lykewayes Ratifies and approves the said Jedge warrant and act In favours of the said petitioner To the effect that non may stope trouble or impede him from perfyting the said building Conforme to the saids Jedge, warrant and act And the saids Lords there present Ratification part theron in all points.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 210v-211r.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 210v-211r.