Act, 4 August 1702, Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fourth day of August Jaj viic and two years



Act and Recommendation In favours of William Boyle and partners

The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill haveing heard and Considered a representatione made to them by William Boyle merchant in Glasgow and his pairtiners ouners of the vessell called the Robert of Greenock and James Crauford ouner of the Cargo and goods that the said vessell of about Fourty Tun burdein was fraughted and sailed from Greenock in the Moneth of march last with fish and other goods for Caren in Normandie in France wher haveing aryved she she2 disposed upon her Loading and took in a new Loading of Brandy and other goods for the Isle of Man; And tho the warr betwixt France and England wes declared yet upon the tuenty Nynth of July last The French Conforme to the termes of the Treaty Suffered her to part upon her voyage But when the said Ship and goods were thus dismissed by the French within two dayes She was mett about the Midle of the Channell by ane English man of warr called the Kent Frigott Who without regaird to the vessell and goods being Scots brought her and them in as pryzes into Portsmouth upon the sole pretence that they were come from France with French goods; which being a great hardship That they her majesties Subjects Should be thus treated by Freinds and Nighbours after haveing been so farely dismissed by the French Therfore humbly Craveing the Lords of privy Councill their protection The saids Lords of her Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the said Representation with the affidavat and Letters produced for verifieing thereof They Doe Seriously Recommend their caice to the Secretaries of State for Scotland; That they may Lay the Same before her Majestie for obtaineing her Royall warrant for the Liberation of the said ship and goods without delay; And for payment of the said ouners and merchant of their expences and damnadges.

Att Edinburgh The Fourth day of August Jaj viic and two years



Act and Recommendation In favours of William Boyle and partners

The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill haveing heard and Considered a representatione made to them by William Boyle merchant in Glasgow and his pairtiners ouners of the vessell called the Robert of Greenock and James Crauford ouner of the Cargo and goods that the said vessell of about Fourty Tun burdein was fraughted and sailed from Greenock in the Moneth of march last with fish and other goods for Caren in Normandie in France wher haveing aryved she she2 disposed upon her Loading and took in a new Loading of Brandy and other goods for the Isle of Man; And tho the warr betwixt France and England wes declared yet upon the tuenty Nynth of July last The French Conforme to the termes of the Treaty Suffered her to part upon her voyage But when the said Ship and goods were thus dismissed by the French within two dayes She was mett about the Midle of the Channell by ane English man of warr called the Kent Frigott Who without regaird to the vessell and goods being Scots brought her and them in as pryzes into Portsmouth upon the sole pretence that they were come from France with French goods; which being a great hardship That they her majesties Subjects Should be thus treated by Freinds and Nighbours after haveing been so farely dismissed by the French Therfore humbly Craveing the Lords of privy Councill their protection The saids Lords of her Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the said Representation with the affidavat and Letters produced for verifieing thereof They Doe Seriously Recommend their caice to the Secretaries of State for Scotland; That they may Lay the Same before her Majestie for obtaineing her Royall warrant for the Liberation of the said ship and goods without delay; And for payment of the said ouners and merchant of their expences and damnadges.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 434-5.

2. Sic.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 434-5.

2. Sic.