Att Edinburgh The Twentie sixth day of March Jaj viic and two years
Proclamation appointing all persons in publict trust etc to take the oath of alledgance and subscribe the same with the assurance
Proclamation appointing all persones in publict trust to Swear the oath of alledgance and Subscrybe the Samen with the assurance Read voted approven and Signed And ordained to be published printed and Recorded Wherof the tenor followes
Anne by the Grace of God Queen of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] Our Lords Heraulds Macers of our privy Councill purservants Messengers at armes our Shirifs in that part Conjunctllie and Severallie Specially Constitute Greetting Forasmuchas by the 6th act of the Fourth Session of this Current parliament dated the Twenty thrid of May Jaj vic Nyntie thrie It is Statute and Ordained that the Oath of alledgance be Sworn; And the Same with the assurance Subscribed by the Noblemen and their eldest Sones being past Twenty one years of age; And for all persones in offices and publict trust Civill Ecclessiastick and Military According to the particular enumeration sett down in the said act, And Seing the undoubted right to the Imperiall Crown of this our ancient Kingdome Is now Conforme to the Declaration of the Estates dated the iith Aprile 1689 Devolved upon Us and wee haveing assumed the exercise of the Royall power the haill persones named in the said act Ought to Swear the said oath of alledgance and Subscrib the samen with the assurance to us as their righteous and Lawfull Soveraign, Therfore Wee with advice of the Lords of our privy Councill Requyre and Command the haill persones aftermentioned to Swear the said oath of alledgance and subscrybe the same with the assurance; Both here to Subjoyned at the times and in maner afterspecified Viz The officers of state and of the Crown and Councillors before the secreet Councill; All Noblemen and their eldest sones past twenty one years of age and the Cheif Commanders of the forces before the privy Councill or our advocat, Thesaurer depute or our Justice Clerk, Or the Provest of Edinburgh for the time Or any one of them or any other of our privy Councill, And the Clerk appointed by the saids Lords, all the Lords of Session, and all Members of the Colledge of Justice and others depending upon them before the Session; Or before the privy Councill, or the Lord ordinary upon the bills for the time appointed by the saids Lords, The Lords of Justiciary and others depending on that Court; In the Justice Court, The Lords and other Members of the Exchequer before the Exchequer; The Lord high Admirall and the Judge and other officers and members of the Admirality, before the Admirality Court; All Judges haveing Commissiones of Justiciary; At the first meeting before they exerce by vertue of these Commissions, The officers and members of the Chancelary, Wryters to and under keepers of the privy Seall; Before the Session or the abovementioned persones appointed by the Lords of privy Councill; Commissioners to the Convention of Burrows The Clerk and Servants who officiat under him and the agents for the burrowes before the Convention of Burrowes; The Conservator before the Convention of Burrows; or the saids persones appointed by the privy Councill; And the factors at Steple-ports before the Conservator and his Court; Members of the Commission for the valuation of Teynds and plantation of Kirks; Or of other Commissions before these respective Commissiones, Shirrifs, Stewarts Baillies of Royalties and Regalities, Commissaries and their deputes Clerks and Fiscalls before these respective Courts, Justices of Peace, Commissionars for Supply and excyse before their Conveener; He first qualifieng himself in their Meetting; The Generall of the Mint before the secreet Councill and all other officers of the Mint before the Generall therof; All advocats and procurators before their respective Courts to which they belong, all nottars and other persones Imployed in wryting and agenting; before the Lords of Session Or the saids persones appointed by the Lords of privy Councill; The Lyon King at Armes before the Secreet Councill, The Lyon Depute heraulds pursevants and Messengers at armes with the Clerk before the Lyon in his Court, The Macers before the respective Courts, wherin they serve; or before the saids persones appointed by the privy Councill; Collectors; Farmorers tacksmen and Sub-Collectors of the Crown rents, Customes excyse and Bishops rents, Surveyers, waiters and their Clerks before the Lords of Thesaury and exchequer or our Thesaurer Depute or Justice Clerk or any of the Commissioners of our Thesaury appointed by them; Collectors of the Supply and excise before the Commissioners of the Supply and excyse; Magistrats Deans of Gild with their Councill; Thesaurers, Councillors and Clerks of Burgh Royall and Regality; Deacons of Trades; And Deacon Conveener; and these who have a voice in electing Deacons of Trades and Clerks of Trades before the Councill of the burgh officers of the Army before the Commander in Chief or whom he shall appoint; and officers of Forts before the Secret Councill; or the saids persones appointed by them, Masters of Shipps and their Mates before the Court of Admiralitie or such as they shall appoint; And all other persones Specified in the said Act of parliament without any Speciall appointment before the Saids persones appointed by the Lords of our privy Councill; And Wee with advice forsaid appoint and ordaine that the whole persones mentioned in the said act Shall Swear the Said oath and Subscrybe the same; and the assurance in maner forsaid betwixt and the first day of July nixt, For which end all the inferior Courts are Dispenced with by the act of parliament to sitt to the effect forsaid Excepting Electors of members of parliament and members of the Commissiones abovementioned, and these giveing voice in calling of Ministers; And Such as have voice in electing of Deacons of Trades who are hereby appointed to take the said oath, and Subscrybe the Same with the assurance as followes Viz the Electors of Members of parliament before they elect members of Commissiones, before they exerce the Commissions, And Such as have a voice in calling of Ministers or Electing of2 Deacons of Trades before they give voice in calling of Ministers or electing Deacons of Trades; and aso3 excepting the Conservator, and the factors of the Staple-ports who are to Swear the said oath and Subscrybe the Same and the assurance betwixt and the first day of August nixt; And the said oath and assurance Sworn and Subscrybed as above; are to be Recorded in the Register of the respective Courts and meettings And the extracts therof under the Clerks hands to be Reported to our privy Councill under the paine of deprivation of the Clerk for such as are appointed to Swear and Subscrybe betwixt and the said first day of July to be reported betwixt and the first day of August nixt And for the rest within twenty dayes after their Swearing and Subscrubeing; And wee with advice forsaid Doe hereby Certifie such of the forsaid persones As are in any publict office trust or Imployment Or who Shall oun or exerce the Same without takeing the said Oath and assurance in maner forsaid; Shall be deprived Ipso facto of their saids offices trusts and Imployments; And Ministers provided to kirks shall be deprived of their benefices or Stipends And preachers nor provided to kirks shall be punished to Banishment Or otherwayes as our Councill Shall think fitt; And all the forsaid tacksmen shall be punished as our privy Councill Shall think fitt; And Farder That they and all other persones above Ranked who shall not Swear the Said oath and Subscrybe the Same and the assurance Shall not be allowed to keep any horsses above ane hundred merks pryce Nor any sort of Armes more then a walking sword Certifieng such as shall be found to have horsses and Armes Contrair to this provision either in their oun or in the keeping of others that both the Owner and the keeper Shall incurr the penaltie of One thousand merks the one half to the informer and the other to Us; And it is also hereby Declared That the said oath of alledgance and the assurance are in no caice to be Imposed or taken severally but Joyntly; Declareing hereby; That these who refuse the one; Shall be holden as refuseing both; And that conforme to the forsaid act of parliament Our Will is Heirfore and wee charge yow Strictly and Command That incontinent these our Letters seen yee pass to the Marcat Cross of Edinburgh and to the marcat Crosses of the remanent head burghes of the severall shyres and Stewartries within this our ancient kingdome; And therat in our name and authority make publict intimation hereof And Ordaines these presents to be printed that non may pretend Ignorance. Sic Subscribitur.
Followes the Oath of Alledgance
I Do Sincerely promise and Swear; That I will be faithfull; and bear true alledgance to her Majestie Queen Anne: So help me God.
Followes the assurance
I Do in the Sincerity of my heart assert acknowledge and Declair; That her Majestie Queen Anne Is the only Lawfull and undoubted Soveraigne of this Realme Alse well de jure, That is of right Queen, as de facto That is in the possession and exercise of the Government, And Therfore I do Sincerely and faith fully promise and Engage; That I will with heart and hand life and goods maintaine and defend her Majesties title and Government against the late King James his adherents and all other enemies who either by open or Secret attempts; Shall disturb or disqueit her Majestie in the possession and exercise therof.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 379-84.
2. An illegible word scored out here.
3. Sic.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 379-84.
2. An illegible word scored out here.
3. Sic.