Att Edinburgh the Eight day of December Jaj viic and two years
Declaration The Lord Advocat of his Laying asyde all pleadings in privat affairs before the Councill in the termes of her majesties Letter and his Lordships proposall
Followes her Majesties Advocats Declaration; to the Councill
May it Please your Lordships.
It hath pleased her Majestie to accept a proposall That I made as her Majesties advocat to lay my self aside from all privat affairs actiones and pleadings before your Lordships, And to attend only as a pursuer or defender before2 your Lordships what Immediatly regairds her Majesties Service; And by a letter to the Lords of Thesaury to declare her Royall acceptance And grant me ane augmentation of pension on that account dureing her Majesties pleasure; And Therfore I Judge it my duty to intimat this to your Lordships with all Submission and thankfullnes and to Crave that her Majesties Said Letter may be recorded in your Lordships books if your Lordships shall so appoint. Sic Subscribitur James Stewart.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 476.
2. Two illegible words scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 476.
2. Two illegible words scored out here.