Att Edinburgh the Twentie fifth of September Jaj viic and two years
Recommendation to the Thesaury In favors of the Clerk Register and Clerks of parliament and Session there servants
The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill haveing heard the report made by the Earle of Seafeild Lord Secretary of State in name of the Committie appointed to inspect the Records in the Law parliament house for discovering of what wrytes or papers Lying their may be necessary for the present Union To be treated upon betwixt Scotland and England; The saids Lords of privy Councill Doe hereby Appoint and Ordaine the Clerks of parliament and Session, And the Lord Register who shall be for the time and his deputes to cause make a particular book of Register of all the publict wrytes papers and treaties which have been inspected by the said Committie Or of any other publict writes and treaties from the Contract of Mariage betwixt King James the Fourth of Scotland; and the eldest daughter of Henry the Seventh King of England inclusive; And Ordaines the saids Clerks and Register or his deputes to give furth Extracts out of the said Register of any or all of the writes to be Recorded therin; and to exhibit the principall Warrands and Records therof to the saids Commissioners or such of the saids wrytes as they shall call for from time to time upon a warrand to be Signed by them or under the hand of their Clerk for that effect; And Likewayes the saids Lords ordaines the saids Clerks Register and their deputs; To Exhibit and produce such of the said principall papers wrytes and treaties as shall be called for by them from time to time to be transumed, or otherwaise made use of As the saids Lords shall find necessar And the saids Lords of her majesties privy Councill Doe hereby Recommend the saids Clerks of Parliament and their Servants To the Lords of her Majesties thesaurie for appointing such a soume to be payed to them as may be a Competent allowance to them for their paines and Charges in makeing up the said Register and giveing furth such extracts therof from time to time as shall be called for by the saids Commissioners for the said Treatie of Union; and Exhibiting the warrands of the said Register to them or the saids Lords of privy Councill in maner and for the ends abovementioned.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 455-6.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 455-6.