Edinburgh the Sixth day of January Jaj viic and two years
Proclamation for Adjourning the parliament to the 14 Aprile nixt
Proclamation Adjourning the parliament Read Signed And appointed to be printed published and recorded Wherof the tenor followes.
William by the Grace of God King of great Brittaine France and Ireland defender of the faith to our Lyon King at armes and his bretheren heraulds, Macers of our privy Councill, pursevants messengers at armes our Shirrifs in that part Conjunctllie and Seaverallie Specially Constitute Greeting Forasmuchas Wee by our proclamation of the date the Fourth day of November Last by past did adjourn this our Current parliament to the eight day of January instant, And wheras the present State of our affairs doeth not requyre the meetting of our said parliament So Soon as the day to which the Samen was adjourned and that the Members of our said parliament may not be put to unnecessary trouble and charges; Therfore Wee with advice2 of the Lords of our privy Councill Doe hereby3 Continue the adjournment of our said Current parliament from the said Eight day of January instant untill the Fourteinth day of Aprill nixt to come And wee with advice forsaid Doe hereby Requyre all the Members of our said parliament to attend at Edinburgh the said Fourteinth day of Aprile nixt in the usual way and Maner and under the Certificationes Contained in the Seaverall acts of parliament made theranent Our Will is Herefore And wee Charge yow Strictly and Command That incontinent these our Letters Seen ye pass to the Marcat cross of Edinburgh and to the marcat Crosses of the remanent head burghes of the severall Shyres and Stewartries within this our ancient kingdome And therat in our name and authority make publict intimation, That our said parliament is adjourned to the said Fourteinth day of Aprill, And Ordaines these presents to be printed and published, Given under our Signet at Edinburgh the Sixt day of January and of our reign the 13th years. Sic Subscribitur.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 331.
2. The phrase ‘forsaid Doe hereby Requyre’ scored out here.
3. The word ‘Requyre’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 331.
2. The phrase ‘forsaid Doe hereby Requyre’ scored out here.
3. The word ‘Requyre’ scored out here.