Proclamation, 14 August 1702, Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fourteinth day of August Jaj viic and two years. Called Extraordinary



[Proclamation for dissolving parliament]

Proclamation in the termes of the Above Letter for disolveing the present Current parliament was approven and Signed; and ordered to be printed published and recorded.
Anne by the Grace of God Queen of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] Our Lyon King at armes his bretheren Heraulds Macers of our privy Councill, pursevants; Messengers at armes Our Shirriffs in that part Conjunctllie and Severallie Specially Constitute Greeting Forasmuchas the Current parliament of this our ancient kingdome by the Last act of the Last Session therof bearing date the thretieth of June last by past, Stands adjurned till the eighteinth of August instant And wee haveing thought fitt for diverse Important and weighty Considerationes to put ane end to it by the disolutione therof Therfore Wee with the advice of the Lords of our privy Councill hereby Dissolve our Said parliament And Declare the Same to be disolved accordingly. And wee Considering That wee are ingadged at present in a most Just and necessary war against France and Spain And that by acts past in the parliaments both of this our ancient kingdome and that of England wee are Impowered to nominat Commissioners to treat of ane union betwixt these our kingdomes of Scotland and England and of other things matters and causes relateing therto Conforme to the tenor of the Saids acts Which Wee furthwith intend to doe The Conclusione of which union to be established and ratified in both parliaments will undoubtedly conduce to the Lasting peace and wellfare of both kingdomes For these Causes And that Wee Judge it necessary their Should be a parliament in being that may Meet when wee find the Occasiones of this our ancient kingdome Shall requyre it; And So Soon As the Circumstances of our affairs will admitt Wee have thought fitt to publish and doe hereby with advice forsaid publish and make knowen to all our Leidges that wee are resolved Speedily to indict a new parliament Our Will is Herefore and wee Charge yow Strictly and Command That incontinent thir our Letters seen yee pass to the Marcat Cross of Edinburgh And to the marcat Crosses of the remanent head burghs of the Severall Shires and Stewartries within this our ancient kingdome And ther in our name and authority make publication of this our proclamation Desolveing our Said Current parliament And that the Same is accordingly desolved And that wee are resolved Speedily to induct a new parliament to meett when the Occasiones of our kingdome Shall requyre it; And So Soon as the Circumstances of our affairs will admitt; And Ordaines these presents to be printed and published that non may pretend Ignorance Sic Subscribitur.

Att Edinburgh The Fourteinth day of August Jaj viic and two years. Called Extraordinary



[Proclamation for dissolving parliament]

Proclamation in the termes of the Above Letter for disolveing the present Current parliament was approven and Signed; and ordered to be printed published and recorded.
Anne by the Grace of God Queen of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] Our Lyon King at armes his bretheren Heraulds Macers of our privy Councill, pursevants; Messengers at armes Our Shirriffs in that part Conjunctllie and Severallie Specially Constitute Greeting Forasmuchas the Current parliament of this our ancient kingdome by the Last act of the Last Session therof bearing date the thretieth of June last by past, Stands adjurned till the eighteinth of August instant And wee haveing thought fitt for diverse Important and weighty Considerationes to put ane end to it by the disolutione therof Therfore Wee with the advice of the Lords of our privy Councill hereby Dissolve our Said parliament And Declare the Same to be disolved accordingly. And wee Considering That wee are ingadged at present in a most Just and necessary war against France and Spain And that by acts past in the parliaments both of this our ancient kingdome and that of England wee are Impowered to nominat Commissioners to treat of ane union betwixt these our kingdomes of Scotland and England and of other things matters and causes relateing therto Conforme to the tenor of the Saids acts Which Wee furthwith intend to doe The Conclusione of which union to be established and ratified in both parliaments will undoubtedly conduce to the Lasting peace and wellfare of both kingdomes For these Causes And that Wee Judge it necessary their Should be a parliament in being that may Meet when wee find the Occasiones of this our ancient kingdome Shall requyre it; And So Soon As the Circumstances of our affairs will admitt Wee have thought fitt to publish and doe hereby with advice forsaid publish and make knowen to all our Leidges that wee are resolved Speedily to indict a new parliament Our Will is Herefore and wee Charge yow Strictly and Command That incontinent thir our Letters seen yee pass to the Marcat Cross of Edinburgh And to the marcat Crosses of the remanent head burghs of the Severall Shires and Stewartries within this our ancient kingdome And ther in our name and authority make publication of this our proclamation Desolveing our Said Current parliament And that the Same is accordingly desolved And that wee are resolved Speedily to induct a new parliament to meett when the Occasiones of our kingdome Shall requyre it; And So Soon as the Circumstances of our affairs will admitt; And Ordaines these presents to be printed and published that non may pretend Ignorance Sic Subscribitur.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 438-40.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 438-40.