Procedure, 28 July 1702, Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twenty eight day of July Jaj viic and two years



Earls of Crafurd: Mar and Lauderdale qualifie themselves

The Earles of Crafurd, Marr, and Lauderdale Did qualifie themselves to her Majestie by takeing the Oath of alledgance and Subscrybeing the Same with the assurance.

Att Edinburgh The Twenty eight day of July Jaj viic and two years



Earls of Crafurd: Mar and Lauderdale qualifie themselves

The Earles of Crafurd, Marr, and Lauderdale Did qualifie themselves to her Majestie by takeing the Oath of alledgance and Subscrybeing the Same with the assurance.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 427.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 427.