Procedure, 7 July 1702, Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Seventh day of July, Jaj viic and two years



The Earl of Seafeild Secretary acquainted the Councill of his goeing to Court

The Earle of Seafeild on of the Secretaries of State also acquainted the Councill that his Lordship was resolved to goe to Court much about the time his Grace is to goe And Therfore desired to know if their Lordships had any Commands with him their which he willingly would obey.

Att Edinburgh the Seventh day of July, Jaj viic and two years



The Earl of Seafeild Secretary acquainted the Councill of his goeing to Court

The Earle of Seafeild on of the Secretaries of State also acquainted the Councill that his Lordship was resolved to goe to Court much about the time his Grace is to goe And Therfore desired to know if their Lordships had any Commands with him their which he willingly would obey.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 402.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 402.