Att Edinburgh the Twentie fifth of September Jaj viic and two years
Letter from the Queen anent the Union and Discharging Councillors etc to leave the kingdome
Letter from the Queen to the Councill anent the Commissioners for the Treatie of Union And Discharging Councillors to Leave the kingdom without her Majesties Licence Read and Ordered to be Recorded wherof the tenor followes.
Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Right trustie and right well beloved Cousin and Councillor Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trustie and well beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trustie and well beloved Councillors; And trustie and well beloved Councillors; Wee greet yow well; Wheras In pursuance of the acts of our parliament of our kingdoms of Scotland and England: Wee have Nominat Commissioners to treat of ane Union and other matters and causes relateing to the wellfare of both realmes who are to meet at Westminster the Twentie Seventh of October nixt, and Severall of these persones Nominat by us for that our ancient Kingdome being Imployed in the places of highest trust, and whom wee expect will repair hither against that time precisely and dureing their absence it being necessary for the Support of our government and for preserveing the peace of the kingdome; That a Sufficient quorum of our Councill, and of our Thesaury and Exchequer remaine at Edinburgh and attend our Service there; Wee doe Therfore Expect and requyre That such of our Councill Thesaury and Exchequer, as are not Nominat Commissioners will give Such closs and exact attendance as may before the intire Securitie of our Government and the satisfaction of our good Subjects; And that therfore non of them who are not nominat in the forsaid Commission shall leave the kingdom dureing the Course of the forsaid treatie without Libertie obtained from Us; And this yow are to Signifie and make known to all concerned; And So Wee bid yow heartily farewell; Given at our Court at Bath the 8th September 1702. And of our reigne the first year. By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Queensberry.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 459-60.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 459-60.