Act, 24 November 1702, Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 24th November 1702



Act Infavours off Margaret Turnibull

Annent The Petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties Privie Councill By Margaret Turnibull now spouse to Henry Elder wrytter in Dumfermline Shewing That the Petitioner By her Contract off marriadge herewith produced Being provyded to the lyferent of a tenement off Land Lyand in Edinburgh and the annualrent of a considerable soume of money all specified in the said Contract Betuixt the Petitioner and her former husband And the Petitioners present husband Haveing been prisoner off a Considerable time at the Instance of Fergusly The petitioner and a Familly off Five small Children are in hazerd off starving By reason the tennents of the Forsaid tennement Shope seller refuise to make payment off ther rent to the Petitioner whill her husband is under such a distressed Condition And seeing the Petitioner hath not a groat by her present husband And that the Forsaid Tennement, Chope and Cellar are But a small pairt off the liferent provyded to her by her former Contract off marriadge And that ther Lordships in a tender compassion and Just consideration off persones in the petitioners condition Have been in use to grant releiff, And appoint ane aliment which in no caice can be ane Act off great mercie and goodness as well as Justice then to the petitioner That ther Lordships should grant and appoint the rent off the Forsaid tennement, Shop, and Cellar to be payed as ane aliment to your petitioner For the terme off Whyttsunday last and in tyme comeing to prevent the misery and starving off your Petitioner and poor Famillie And Therfor Creaving The saids Lords in consideration of the premisses To grant ane aliment to the petitioner to be payed out off the rent off the Forsaid tennement, shope, and Cellar which is but small For the terme off Whyttsunday last and in time Comeing And ordain the tenements therof To pay the rent to your petitioner With power to her to sett the said shope, and Cellar in tyme comeing As the said Petition bears Which Petition Being upon the Fourth day of August Jaj vijc and two yeirs Called The Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given into them be the above Margaret Turnibull Read in ther presence They ordaine the samen To be seen and answered againest the First of September nixt to come And the said petition Being upon the day and date off thir presents again called The Lords off her Majesties privie Councill Haveing again Considered the above petition given into them by the above Margaret Turnbull spouse to Henry Elder wryter in Dumfermline And the Samen with the Instruments of Intimation given in therwith Being read in ther presence The saids Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Grant to the petitioner the rent off ane dwelling house off ane Tenement off Land with ane Cellar and Chope under the same tenement Lyeing within the Burgh of Edinburgh upon the north side off the hie street at Downies closs provided to her in lyferent By her Contract off Marriadge past betuixt the petitioner and her former husband And that for the termes off Martimes last By past Jaj vijc and two yeirs and the terme off Whyttsunday nixt to come Inclusive For ane aliment to the petitioner and her Children And Ordaines the Tennents, possessors, and occupyers therof To make payment of the samen to the petitioner Dureing the space forsaid upon her own simple Dischairge For the samen Which is heirby Declared to be sufficient to the receavers.

Edinburgh the 24th November 1702



Act Infavours off Margaret Turnibull

Annent The Petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties Privie Councill By Margaret Turnibull now spouse to Henry Elder wrytter in Dumfermline Shewing That the Petitioner By her Contract off marriadge herewith produced Being provyded to the lyferent of a tenement off Land Lyand in Edinburgh and the annualrent of a considerable soume of money all specified in the said Contract Betuixt the Petitioner and her former husband And the Petitioners present husband Haveing been prisoner off a Considerable time at the Instance of Fergusly The petitioner and a Familly off Five small Children are in hazerd off starving By reason the tennents of the Forsaid tennement Shope seller refuise to make payment off ther rent to the Petitioner whill her husband is under such a distressed Condition And seeing the Petitioner hath not a groat by her present husband And that the Forsaid Tennement, Chope and Cellar are But a small pairt off the liferent provyded to her by her former Contract off marriadge And that ther Lordships in a tender compassion and Just consideration off persones in the petitioners condition Have been in use to grant releiff, And appoint ane aliment which in no caice can be ane Act off great mercie and goodness as well as Justice then to the petitioner That ther Lordships should grant and appoint the rent off the Forsaid tennement, Shop, and Cellar to be payed as ane aliment to your petitioner For the terme off Whyttsunday last and in tyme comeing to prevent the misery and starving off your Petitioner and poor Famillie And Therfor Creaving The saids Lords in consideration of the premisses To grant ane aliment to the petitioner to be payed out off the rent off the Forsaid tennement, shope, and Cellar which is but small For the terme off Whyttsunday last and in time Comeing And ordain the tenements therof To pay the rent to your petitioner With power to her to sett the said shope, and Cellar in tyme comeing As the said Petition bears Which Petition Being upon the Fourth day of August Jaj vijc and two yeirs Called The Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given into them be the above Margaret Turnibull Read in ther presence They ordaine the samen To be seen and answered againest the First of September nixt to come And the said petition Being upon the day and date off thir presents again called The Lords off her Majesties privie Councill Haveing again Considered the above petition given into them by the above Margaret Turnbull spouse to Henry Elder wryter in Dumfermline And the Samen with the Instruments of Intimation given in therwith Being read in ther presence The saids Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Grant to the petitioner the rent off ane dwelling house off ane Tenement off Land with ane Cellar and Chope under the same tenement Lyeing within the Burgh of Edinburgh upon the north side off the hie street at Downies closs provided to her in lyferent By her Contract off Marriadge past betuixt the petitioner and her former husband And that for the termes off Martimes last By past Jaj vijc and two yeirs and the terme off Whyttsunday nixt to come Inclusive For ane aliment to the petitioner and her Children And Ordaines the Tennents, possessors, and occupyers therof To make payment of the samen to the petitioner Dureing the space forsaid upon her own simple Dischairge For the samen Which is heirby Declared to be sufficient to the receavers.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 216r-217r.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 216r-217r.