Procedure, 13 March 1702, Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Thretteinth day of March Jaj viic and two years, Ante Meridiem



Oath of alledgance taken By M: Genrall Ramsay and Lord Lyon etc

It haveing been Represented to the Lords That Major Generall George Ramsay and Sir […] Erskin Lyon King at armes were attending and ready to qualifie themselves by takeing the Oath of alledgance and Subscrybing the assurrance to her Majestie, They were Called in And did Swear the oath of alledgance and did signe the assurance accordingly all which are appointed to be Recorded.

Att Edinburgh The Thretteinth day of March Jaj viic and two years, Ante Meridiem



Oath of alledgance taken By M: Genrall Ramsay and Lord Lyon etc

It haveing been Represented to the Lords That Major Generall George Ramsay and Sir […] Erskin Lyon King at armes were attending and ready to qualifie themselves by takeing the Oath of alledgance and Subscrybing the assurrance to her Majestie, They were Called in And did Swear the oath of alledgance and did signe the assurance accordingly all which are appointed to be Recorded.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 364.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 364.