Procedure, 16 July 1702, Edinburgh

Procedure, 24 December 1702, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Sixteenth day of July Jaj viic and two years



Commission In favors of John Hogg to be a Macer of parliament privy Councill and Exchequer

Commission under Majesties privy Seall of this kingdome In favors of John Hoge merchant in Edinburgh to be ane macer before the privy Councill Read and ordered to be Recorded; And the said John Hogg being called in Did Swear the Oath of alledgance and Subscrybed the Same with the assurance to her Majestie and the Lord Chancelor did tender the oath de fideli to him and he was admitted one of the macers of privy Councill accordingly.
Followes the tenor of the forsaid Commission
Anne by the Grace of God Queen of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith Forasmuchas Wee Considering that the place and office of one of the ordinary Macers before the Lords of our privy2 Councill Exchequer and Commissiones in our ancient kingdome of Scotland is now vacant in our hands and at our Royall Gift and disposition Through the decease of Robert Currie Last possessor therof; And being informed of the Loyaltie and Sufficiencie of John Hogge Merchant in Edinburgh for exerceing the said office; Therfore Witt ye use to have nominated, Constituted and appointed; Likeas Wee with advice and Consent of the Lords and others Commissioners of our Thesaury and Exchequer of our said Kingdome by these presents Nominat Constitute and Appoint the said John Hogg dureing all the dayes of his Lifetime to be one of the saids Macers before the parliament privy Councill Exchequer and Commissions And a Serjand at armes Giveing Granting and Disponeing to him the said place and offices with all fies duties profitts Emoluments and Casualities whatsoever therinto belonging with power to the said John Hogge to use and exerce the said offices and to uplift and receive the fies and profitts therof dureing the Space forsaid as fully and amply as the said deceast Robert Currie or any others his predecessors Macers aforsaid, and Specially the yearly fie and Sallary of Fiftie pounds Sterling money as the Ordinary Sallary of one of the saids Macers Commanding hereby the saids Lords of our privy Councill Exchequer and Commissiones to Admitt and receive the said John Hogge into the Saids offices; And to Authorize him with ther Testimoniall of Admission therto; And to administer to him the oath de fideli administratione and others as in Such caices is appointed by Law; Given under our privy Seall at our Court at St James’s the 25th day of June i702 and of our Reigne the first year; Per Signaturam Manu S:D:N Regina Supra Scribitur. Manibus qr Commissionariorum Thesaurarii Seaccarii Subscribitur.

Att Edinburgh The Sixteenth day of July Jaj viic and two years



Commission In favors of John Hogg to be a Macer of parliament privy Councill and Exchequer

Commission under Majesties privy Seall of this kingdome In favors of John Hoge merchant in Edinburgh to be ane macer before the privy Councill Read and ordered to be Recorded; And the said John Hogg being called in Did Swear the Oath of alledgance and Subscrybed the Same with the assurance to her Majestie and the Lord Chancelor did tender the oath de fideli to him and he was admitted one of the macers of privy Councill accordingly.
Followes the tenor of the forsaid Commission
Anne by the Grace of God Queen of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith Forasmuchas Wee Considering that the place and office of one of the ordinary Macers before the Lords of our privy2 Councill Exchequer and Commissiones in our ancient kingdome of Scotland is now vacant in our hands and at our Royall Gift and disposition Through the decease of Robert Currie Last possessor therof; And being informed of the Loyaltie and Sufficiencie of John Hogge Merchant in Edinburgh for exerceing the said office; Therfore Witt ye use to have nominated, Constituted and appointed; Likeas Wee with advice and Consent of the Lords and others Commissioners of our Thesaury and Exchequer of our said Kingdome by these presents Nominat Constitute and Appoint the said John Hogg dureing all the dayes of his Lifetime to be one of the saids Macers before the parliament privy Councill Exchequer and Commissions And a Serjand at armes Giveing Granting and Disponeing to him the said place and offices with all fies duties profitts Emoluments and Casualities whatsoever therinto belonging with power to the said John Hogge to use and exerce the said offices and to uplift and receive the fies and profitts therof dureing the Space forsaid as fully and amply as the said deceast Robert Currie or any others his predecessors Macers aforsaid, and Specially the yearly fie and Sallary of Fiftie pounds Sterling money as the Ordinary Sallary of one of the saids Macers Commanding hereby the saids Lords of our privy Councill Exchequer and Commissiones to Admitt and receive the said John Hogge into the Saids offices; And to Authorize him with ther Testimoniall of Admission therto; And to administer to him the oath de fideli administratione and others as in Such caices is appointed by Law; Given under our privy Seall at our Court at St James’s the 25th day of June i702 and of our Reigne the first year; Per Signaturam Manu S:D:N Regina Supra Scribitur. Manibus qr Commissionariorum Thesaurarii Seaccarii Subscribitur.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 404-5.

2. Insertion.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 404-5.

2. Insertion.